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PowrPro Black

This app will allow users the ability to adjust the PowrPro Black fuel injection tuning module that is installed on a motorcycle. Using multiple screens users can see RPM, take fuel away, add fuel and evaluate fuel injector’s duty cycle in real time and at maximum capacity. The app must pair with a specific tuner
Category Price Seller Device
Utilities Free COBRA ENGINEERING, INC. iPhone, iPad, iPod

and the motorcycle and tuner must be turned on for the app to recognize the unit and pair with it. Built into the app are FAQs and description of how to use the app in conjunction with the PowrPro Black tuner.


Could be better

The PowrPro Black doesnt come with enough information to allow the user to make changes to the tuner without taking a lot of risk. It would help if it were made more obvious what happens when you add fuel .1ms to the acceleration, or reduce fuel from the crusing mode. Its not obvious enough, hopefully they will add a “this does this” in a language more people can understand.

Not staying connected.

When the application connects it works well. Unfortunately, every time I try to use a function the device disconnects and won't reconnect unless the bike is restarted. Once it's connect the same problem. Please update. Great product WHEN working with app.

No connection

Using this app on an iPhone is a headache. It's difficult to pair both devices, I think it is necessary an update

Just installed

Cmon, cant even view coolant temperature?!

Overall pretty neat but it isn’t perfect

I have a low screen timeout setting to save battery and this app unfortunately doesn’t keep the screen awake which is quite annoying. There should also be some sort of basic set of instructions on how to tune the neutral and develop fueling with this app. Aside from those two complaints it is a pretty cool app.

Very disappointed
unhappy mojo

I can monitor things with this app but it will not let me adjust anything… Literally lets me unlock gives me a warning that if I change anything that it’s my own responsibility and then when I go to change it, absolutely nothing happens !!! this app is horrible!!! And the tuner is not very good as well! because now I am stuck with a bike that jerks and screws around when I’m trying to just cruise because the fuel is all effed up and I can’t change it because the app doesn’t let me Update 6/8/19 This app still does not work at all I deleted a Tonna stuff on my phone to free up storage hoping that maybe it was my phone that was making the app not work correctly… But unfortunately this app still does not work at all. It allows you to monitor things but it does not allow you to edit/change anything whatsoever. ☹️

Request 2

Can you just make updates with newer features And more stability !!!

Please update you’re APP!!!
Thomas Culler

I can connect to cobra PowrPro Black APP using Bluetooth scanner. Blue light comes on, but APP still will not connect. Please update the app!

Works well, but have a request!!
regret this app

Got it installed. What I have had success with was Bluetooth does connect quicker at startup. It will pair later during the ride but it is slower to establish connection. I figured out how to make adjustments, after unlock and disclaimer swipe either up or down on screen. For some reason it wants me to do this on the left side of the screen. Odd but ok, manageable. What I would find useful would be if I could capture a rides metrics and look at it on my comp. it would be unsafe for me to try and focus on the screen while riding and I have no desire to take it to a dyno. Right now all I can view is real time data, great at startup and shutdown but useless for figuring out tweaks or looking for telltale signs of issues. In the end I bought this unit expecting it to do the tweaking for me and I see minor differences the more I ride so it is happening to some degree but again if I could have a rides data available from say my ride home from work on any given day that would help me. I am happy with the unit either way. My bike rides better, I have better throttle response and no backfires just like COBRA told me it would fix. Works great but room for improvement!!



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