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Potion Mixer

Create different potions by doing experiments in the lab
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Games Free Nick Worrall iPhone, iPad, iPod

Follow the lab rules to create and store up to 18 different potions

Mix together your potions to create new and exciting potions

*Store up to 18 potions
*Name all potions
*Sticker each potion
*Fully customisable
*Save potions

You you have to do is follow the lab rules

**Created by William Worrall


German nyan cat review

Cool but needs more updates Ur cat, German nyan cat ???

Just does the same thing

You mix something and it makes another color. There are about 5 colors and the potions don’t even do anything.


So fun weird cool I like I wish they had more thing for you to do ok awesome

Luv it!!❤️?❤️

I know I'm a girl but still the game is amazing!!! It's not like those stupid games where u make oh so many potions!!! U can make as much as u want!!!!!❤️??

Chemistry rocks

It doesn't load as fast as you would like it to but it is awesome


Pretty cool they could do better but who am I to judge there are people out there who would like it

Don't bother
OH-TX Relocater

Sure you can pick potions and put labels and stickers on them but you can't mix them! I tried but then it logs you out. And it doesn't even save the potions you picked and labeled, it makes you log in again!??I tried to get in 10 times and pick potion, tried to mix, loading, black screen, then bam logged out! ? I really would like this glitch to be fixed. I think this app WOULD be great if it didn't glitch every time? I barely got to do a thing?


I hate this game sure u can label and write and mix potions but u can't mix 2 of the same potions and there's only ????? colored potions and u get the same potions over and over again!! Ugh!! TRUE!????????????

Very nice game
Jazz riviera

It's a very nice game


This game is horrible

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