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Pepsi Lebanon

Running low on beverages? Have your favorite refreshments delivered right to your doorstep with the new Pepsi Lebanon app, within 48 hours and free of charge!
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Food & Drink Free SMLC - Pepsi Cola iPhone, iPad, iPod

Place your order from our wide range of beverages including soft drinks, juices, Lipton ice tea, sports drinks, energy drinks and water, and we will take care of the rest!


Horrible don’t waist your time

I couldn’t get past signing up it will not allow you to choose your city or location on top of the fact that when you try to search it, it goes blank a lot of technical issues

Great app - working well and no issues

I just downloaded and placed my order ( number 499) ... anyhow the sign up took 1 min and placed an order in another 2 min ... went well no issues in the app .... let’s wait and see on the delivery if they meet the expectations as well . One suggestion to Pepsi is to add the 20 litres aquafina sku to their list ... wanted to order it and it’s not listed .

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