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Peach Video

Peach Video live streaming is a platform focused on seeking excitement and global precise 1v1 matching. It is an entertainment lifestyle where users can search for their ideal partners, chat in real-time, and enjoy video communication with friends and potential dates anytime, anywhere. Users can showcase their talents and let more people get to know them.
Category Price Seller Device
Lifestyle Free boyu chen iPhone, iPad, iPod

1. Matching Functionality
Users can filter out broadcasters with different criteria for blind matching, and broadcasters can earn friends and gold coins here.
2. Broadcaster List
We have launched a broadcaster leaderboard, where users can search for broadcasters according to their preferences.
3. Real-time Chatting
Broadcasters and users can not only video broadcast but also chat in real-time, allowing them to get to know each other more deeply.

[No Pornography]
We have 24/7 content supervision and support a green and healthy online social environment.

If you have any questions, you can first check our relevant agreement, if not resolved, you can contact our customer service in the App
Usage Agreement:
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