Paprika Recipe Manager 3 Reviews – Page 17

5/5 rating based on 244 reviews. Read all reviews for Paprika Recipe Manager 3 for iPhone.
Paprika Recipe Manager 3 is paid iOS app published by Hindsight Labs LLC

No longer have to write out recipes

ML Joy

Paprika lets me easily edit recipes to see them the way that makes sense to me when I cook. I used to have to rewrite them to align directions with ingredients. In Paprika, I download a recipe, then make a few quick edits to separate sections, i.e, WET INGREDIENTS, DRY INGREDIENTS, FINISHERS...I do the same headers on the directions. I no longer have to read paragraphs and try to figure out where I am. Assigning multiple categories to a single recipe works super well with my brain: chicken, multipot, crowdworthy, paleo,...Paprika lets me put a recipe in multiple categories so it shows up wherever I need it. Fantastic! I use the web browser...brings recipes in flawlessly, even from blogs with long text. I use the scaler...wonderful. I use the grocery list, and add the rest of my groceries to how it arranges the items or lets me rearrange if I prefer! I move seamlessly between devices and my sisters, daughters and Friends send recipes back and forth. I will never go back to paper filing systems.

This is just the best recipe app

Quark Gluon Plasma

Version 3 is just about perfect, flawlessly imports recipes, categorizes them , syncs between devices. I don’t use it every day (I am an experienced cook and mostly cook for two now), but for any occasion, it's perfect.

Misleading AF

hyuh ed

As you can see, the app brags that it syncs with “all” of your devices. Well, it doesn’t. One must purchase a SECOND APP which is FOUR TIMES the PRICE at an (ADDITIONAL $20.00) to sync. Blatantly misleading!

New app not as good as the old one :(


The old paprika app was honestly better. This app has major glitches with scaling. When I scale a recipe it will either change back to the regular servings or will switch to a random amount (without anyone touching it at all). The servings also no longer scale correctly.

Trouble with 'Dozen' converting


One of the features I love about this app is the ability to scale recipes. Most recipes are for larger serving sizes 6+ but being single it's nice to only make enough for 2-4 servings. Tonight though I ran into my first problem with this feature. I tried scaling down a recipe which calls for a dozen eggs and noticed every else except the eggs changed. Sure enough, when I changed the recipe entry to 12 eggs and scaled it to 1/3 as I wanted it said 4 eggs. Maybe the developers need to add 'dozen' to this feature but I found this surprising considering many recipes are for example 2 dozen cookies.

Very useful but needs tweaking still


First of all let me say that I love this app. I use almost every feature of it, and especially appreciate the grocery list and how well it integrates into the meal planner. A few tweaks I think it still needs: 1. The app comes with prepopulated store aisles but you can delete them and add your own. However, the prepopulated ones come back! Then they get in the way of your custom ones because you end up with two dairy aisles, etc. I want my aisles in the order of my local store, not where Paprika puts them. I’ve emailed the developer about this many times but no reply. 2. That’s my second issue with this app. It would be nice to see questions replied to by email, especially after how much this app costs to have on a MacBook, iPad and and iPhone (which I do). 3. When adding a recipe to the meal calendar, often the date and meal choice (breakfast, lunch or dinner) are blank pages. This is a problem with the code, but again, since the developer doesn’t reply, I see no other way to address it but here in a review. 4. Would be good to have the option of pushing the checkbox or swiping to the side when purchasing something off the list. Other grocery list apps offer the choice, because it’s too easy to push a box by mistake. Swiping would solve this problem. 5. Would be nice to have the option to add more than one of something when adding to the shopping list, instead of having to add it once, then go find it in your list, click on it, then change the quantity. 6. Real time syncing without having to close the app would be great.

Harder to search


I’ve used Paprika for several years and I like it a lot. I’ve just upgraded to v3 and it’s isn’t as easy to search through all recipes. There used to be a search on the first page. Now you have to go to the category and search or select Edit, get the recipe and then select Done. On the iPad, the earlier version also had an an alphabet on the right that you could select a letter and get the recipes that start with it. That’s gone too. Please bring those back.

Love it more each day!


I love this app! It is so versatile and reliable. I have been using it for over year now and keep discovering great ways to organize my recipes. I often download recipes from Skinnytaste so I just added a category and included it on each recipe that comes from there. It’s so easy to edit. I love that the recipes stay open while you’re cooking, just usedthe timer function within it, and was recently using it to plan a shower!



I have tried other recipe programs in the past, however, I could never stick with them because they were difficult to use. I was a little apprehensive about trying another one, but the reviews were good, so I started with the desktop version. I have not looked back! The layout and interface is very easy to use. You can create all kinds of categories for your recipes, essentially like tags. The browser feature is a huge time saver if you have recipes clipped from the internet and it works perfectly! I have since added the iOS app too and they all sync up nicely. It is very handy when you are at the store and think of something else you want to make.

Google taken over app


This is an amazing app but google has now taken over each time I try to download a recipe i get an error processing message I used to be able to get around this by opting to print recipe & in a simpler profile mist times I could download. Now I have to manually add the recipe which frankly is a pain & not the way I have downloaded my 2000 or so recipes. But hey if I want to save to my google recipe manger no problem. Really frustrated not sure what to do. This has always been a 5 star app did google buy paprika?