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OK Play - Learning Activities

OK Play is your guide to building your young child’s empathy, kindness, and creativity. Enjoy quality time together through daily fun activities that spark creation, conversation, and connection.
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Education Free OkCo Inc. iPhone, iPad, iPod

“OK Play is an engaging app that is backed by science, which parents will find useful in helping their children learn social and emotional strategies to deal with the situations they encounter every day.” -- Connie Kasari, PhD, Distinguished Professor, Human & Development Psychology, UCLA

“My son absolutely loves this app! He’s constantly wanting to play with it. It gets you moving and bonding together while learning to explore feelings. He’s doing a lot better being kind to his brother and understanding what he does that’s mean.” -- Jamie, Parent of a 3 year old

“There are so many activities for your child to play, learn and enjoy. They will never get bored and you will have some peace. My daughters have learned about emotions, creating their own stories and more. This app has had us playing together, being silly and wishing the time wouldn’t end. OK Play has truly become a part of our lives” -- Tenesha, Parent of a 3 and 6 year old

Interactive activities designed to ignite a child’s imagination and give families the power to create and share, including:
- Going on a scavenger hunt for emotions
- Filming a cooking show
- Solving a dance-related emergency

Using play as a learning tool, programs help navigate the ups and downs of family life by offering a shared language to talk about the hard things, such as:
- Getting along with others
- Solving difficult conflicts
- Regulating and expressing emotions
- Sharing
- Focusing and following directions

Each activity results in a personalized video that can be saved to a device or securely stored within the Moments section of OK Play for parents to revisit at any time or share with friends and family.

Our science-based activities are designed to encourage social and emotional growth through play to help build children’s empathy and kindness. Research shows that having a solid foundation in these areas during the preschool years sets the stage for later success, in school and in life.

A new selection of free featured activities is available every day, making it easy and fun to create a daily practice of play.

- Spreading kindness
- Happy 101
- In someone else’s shoes
- My emotions now
- Turn-taking
- Anger 101
- Seeing things in new ways
- Controlling impulses
And more to come!


The OK Company
We’re a team of parents and entrepreneurs that have come together to nudge culture in a kinder, more accepting direction. Our mission is to support families everywhere to be OK with exactly where they are right now. Based in Los Angeles, California.

If you have any questions or feedback, please email [email protected]

Follow us on Instagram @okplay for science-based insights and inspiration to help you be OK with where you are right now.


Read our Privacy Policy here: https://okplay.co/privacy

Read our Terms of Use here: https://okplay.co/terms


Screen time you feel good about

I have a 4 and 6 year old. They both love OK Play!!! My son’s favorite are the draw together activities and my daughter loves the breathing tools. This is unlike any other app I have seen. It brings your family together and teaches kids about their emotions and processing them

Ok play is best
dig handiest

All the time my child takes the phone and plays ok play so that’s why!



Really good love it

I love this game taking turns my sister loves this game to five star rating!

Very very very very amazing
Princess Celestia 2020

This app tells me to teamwork like to pass it to the other partner I just downloaded and it was very very fun and very good and I am very happy with it ?❤️?


OK play is awesome I started last week and my kids loved it when they were bored they got there tablets and played it so I’m giving it a five star rating

Sooooooooooooo fun

I love this game it is so much fun

I love this game

I love this app and it is so fun and you can make a lot of stuff

Pictures taken are poor quality and not saved

Pictures taken are poor quality and pictures wanted not saved. Can’t edit easily or save

The Best

This is the best app for my grandchildren. It promotes creativity, it gets them focused to listen to the story, and they get to partake in the making of the story by coloring the objects and taking pics of their own face to input in the characters,

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