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Download OffOf - Percentage Calculator

OffOf - Percentage Calculator

A simple percentage calculator.
Category Price Seller Device
Utilities Free Daeo Corp. Software iPhone, iPad, iPod

OffOf gives you the ability to toggle between finding the end price of a percentage discount "Off" an amount, and the percentage "Of" an amount.

• 35% OFF
Instantly know how much you're going to spend while shopping. What is the cost of that $18.99 t-shirt when its 35% off? OffOf makes it easy to calculate.
Simply enter 35% as the "Percentage" and 18.99 as the "Amount" and OffOf will show you how much you'll be spending after the discount.

• 16% OF
What is 16% of 2,458? OffOf will get you that answer instantly. Just enter 16% as the "Percentage" and 2,458 as the "Amount" and you'll know right away.


simple and useful app
Abhijeet S

love the simplicity of this app its clean simple easy to use app :)


Simple, fast, beautiful. I will use this daily.

Wow. This is impressively useful.
Cliff Crosland

I usually try to do % off calculations in my head. I'm often wrong, and given how quick this app can do these calculations, I'm going to rely on it much more. This is an excellent tool, and beautiful too.


Gorgeous UI! Minimal in appearance, yet perfectly functional. Brilliant work. ?


So simple, useful & beautiful.

Simple and Practical
creative explorer

Love this app. It focuses on one thing and does it well. Very handy for figuring out percents and prices on the fly. Only wish would be that tapping the previous amount or percent would clear the field so you don’t have to manually backspace each one for new entries.

So simple

Such a great app and so well designed.

Two Toes Up!

So simple a guy with 2 toes can use it! Great, simplistic UI! Been wanting an app like this for a long time.

Beautifully simple.

Useful, practical tool with a handsome interface.

Beautiful and simple

I could just open the app and just watch, but it wouldn't be practical. Love the simplicity.

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