My Paws: Virtual Pet Diary Icon
Download My Paws: Virtual Pet Diary

My Paws: Virtual Pet Diary

It’s been said that a cat or dog age equals 7 human years. That’s not quite true as the formulas are more complicated than this. Over the first year, puppies and kittens are growing up (by human standards) a way faster than, for example, over the third one. There are different algorithms for calculation of cats and dogs age. In fact, they differ even depending on dog size.
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Lifestyle Free Anton Deev iPhone, iPad, iPod

[CALCULATOR MODE, without saving]
Our app was “born” not so long time ago, and for now you can do the following things using it:
— convert cat or dog age to human years with a simple movement of your finger;
— calculate how many dog or cat years has it been since exact date of birth;
— check how old your pet is going to be in a year / two / three according to human years;
— see biological age of your pet (current age period of your pet: from young one to “elderly long-liver”);
— check temperature regulations for cats / dogs.

[PROFILE MODE, with saving]
Save your pet's profile so you don’t forget anything:
- track the exact age (any animal);
- fix weight (any animal);
- track the "human age" (only cats and dogs);
- add events related to your pet, such as grooming, vaccinations, surgeries;
- set reminders so you won't miss a vet visit or your furry friend's birthday [PRO];
- use the filter to see, for example, all vaccinations (how many of them were given and when) [PRO].

We are going to start implementing new capabilities in the near updates. We think that every cat and dog fan will definitely take a liking to it :)


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