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With mPrompt any iOS becomes a handy speech practice and performance tool. Using content from your other apps or create in mPrompt, experienced and novice public speakers can use mPrompt to rough out and fine tune speeches and practice speech delivery and timing, anywhere.
Category Price Seller Device
Entertainment $9.99 Mark Johannessen iPhone, iPad, iPod

Features include:

• Scroll the speech in portrait or landscape mode triggered by an unobtrusive touch to the screen, allowing pausing, adjustment and resumption of the speech

• Allows dynamic speed adjustment during presentation

• Cut and paste content from any other iOS app or compose content within the app

• Adjust the font size and speed of your speech for readability and timing

• An adjustable highlight can focus on a few lines, with complete contrast and position control

• Highlight key words and phrases - great for memorization and making delivery more natural

• Practice speech timing with the included timer

• Use mPrompt for paperless speech composition and practice


Nice speech Teleprompter for iPad

This is one of those "perfect fit for the iPad" kind of apps. I have to give a speech in May 2010, and this app will be very helpful in preparation and delivery. It's not perfect yet, but a few simple updates will get it there: larger control sliders, fully proportional speed changes as opposed to steps, ability in mPrompt mode to pause and continue by touching anywhere on screen or double tapping, initial pause time setup to wait for the first couple of lines to be read before exiting the delivery window...address functional areas like these and this will be an excellent 5 star app. Thanks for creating this.

Terrible - Don't purchase

Of the many apps I have purchased, this is the worst. I had hopes that this would be a helpful for court or public speaking engagements on the Ipad but nothing works. It does not save. It will allow pasting of documents but does not appear to function afterward or have any usability. This is the only app I have removed within hours of purchasing. Hopefully the manufacturer will post an update that functions.

Doesn't Work

I downloaded this morning because it is a great idea, but it doesn't work. I can't save my speech, it won't display any of the speech in the "Dry Run" or "mPrompt" mode. My screen does not look like the screenshots above. I reinstalled it and it didn't solve the above referenced issues. Don't buy until and update fixes these problems. Unfortunately that probably won't happen before my next speech.

Great App

I'm a minister and this app is great. The update this past week finally made this app useable. Works as described. Great work. Looking forward to future enhancements.

A lot left to be desired

Bought this thinking that, all this has to do is accomplish a simple task. The thing does not scroll when you press the mPrompt button. In fact, it seems to work better on the "Dry Run" mode than the actual prompting. An absolute waste of my $2.14. I am now going to buy one of the other apps to do the same thing.


I'm a political science major at UCLA and I use mprompt all the time for my speech and debate class. My last project was a 4 minute oral presentation and the timer really came in handy when practicing. Really helps organize my thoughts and I've never had any problems with it. Highly recommended!

Below Average for Mobile

I've never written a review after using apps for over 3 years until now, a large part because I rarely pay for apps. When I do pay, I do expect a good product. Giving this a two star rating since this is horrible for mobile but maybe it's good on a tablet. Would be a one star if this was only a mobile app. Would not recommend for a speech prompt whatsoever, hard interface and waste of cash if for you mobile.


This app freezes and is essentially unusable. I should have read the reviews first.

Huge $ Waster

I couldn't get it paste the edit and save and I am running iOS 8.1.3.

Deos not work

Each update to the app makes it more buggy. This one doesn't even work. Closes the app when you press start.

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