Mouse About Reviews

3/5 rating based on 50 reviews. Read all reviews for Mouse About for iPhone.
Mouse About is paid iOS app published by Cobra Mobile Limited



This is a really cute game. I like it a lot. The graphics are adorable.

Excellent game!


This is such a perfect iPhone game! I wish all the apps in the store were of this quality level. The graphics are excellent, the sound and music are top notch, and the game play and control are the best. If any of you played the iPhone web app Stomp 'em" this is definitely for you. Get this game, it should be in the top downloads IMO.

An Overlooked Gem of a Game


It's an absolute crime that an original, beautiful, lovingly crafted, highly polished and thoroughly enjoyable game as this is relegated to obscurity here in the App Store, while hundreds of far inferior or downright useless apps are purchased and downloaded thousands of times. This game is the cream of the crop; it shot straight to my phone's front page as soon as I played it once. The developer truly understands how to craft the ideal casual puzzler with a finely tuned learning and challenge curve -- not too easy, not too tough, gently urges you to make more and more strategic choices about which food to go after, and the order in which to do so. The control scheme is elegant in its simplicity and fun to use. The graphics are top-notch. The music is well made, and far from annoying; it really adds to the play experience. This game is a bargain at $2.99, and worth more than dozens of other games at much higher price point. I urge you to download this now, you won't be disappointed. Support this developer with your app dollars, give them the recognition their fine product so richly deserves. Or you can overlook quality apps like this one, drive the small but talented developers away, and find the store filled with dozens of lighter apps, Breakout clones, Sudoku variants, and an endless stream of shoddy tip calculators. Oh wait, that's already happened.


Professional Zebra

I was a little hesitant to purchase this game because it didn't seem like I got much from the description and pictures. I bought it based on good reviews and I'm so glad I did! The graphics and artwork are fantastic, the music is great, and the gameplay is addicting. This feels like a real game. I could see paying $40 to get it for my Nintendo DS and I'm so glad to see games like this in the App Store.

Should Be #1 Paid App


Quality, this is one of those games you know is good before you start the first level. The attention to detail is obvious from the opening splash screen. The soundtrack will please any audiophile. The graphics are crisp and clean, the screenshot doesn't do it justice. Most importantly, it's fun. If you haven't realized it yet, you really should get this game.

What more developers should aspire to!


This game is highly polished. The graphics are perfect. The gameplay is engaging. Apple should be showcasing this game as an example of what a well executed iPhone game should be! Definately a 5 star game. Look forward to more from this developer.

Fantastic game!


Sorry, but I am lazy and already submitted these thought on toucharcade, but I wanted to post this here as well, thought shortened (character limit): The basic premise is that you are a mouse that likes to eat food, you can move either up, down, left, or right, and then the mouse keeps moving until it touches a piece of food to eat. If there is no object or food in the direction that you sent the mouse, the mouse will run completely off screen into the clutches of a cat that likes to eat mice and thus costing you a life. The trick is of course that there is a certain order in which you have to eat the various pieces of food in order to collect them all without sending the mouse off of the stage. There are also random objects thrown in some stages that you can send your mouse to, to keep him safe and obtain a better position to eat more food. The puzzles are randomly generated but there is still a sense of normal progression, as in the difficulty seems to increase naturally as you move forward despite the fact that the puzzles are random, and after you clear a certain amount of levels, you progress to different "worlds" that have new graphics, different types of food, and new objects. Each world becoming progressivly more challanging. The control couldn't be more perfect, and is some of the best use of touchscreen as a gameplay mechanic I've seen yet. All you do is swipe the direction you want the mouse to run. Simple. There is no designated area on the screen you have to use, just swipe in any direction anywhere on the screen. The input is incredibly responsive, I have not had any delay or incorrect movement accidentally registered in the couple of hours I've played it so far. Very fluid. The presentation is also very solid, high quality colorful graphics, simple yet catchy music, and nice (non standard UI copied) menus. Everything about it is very polished, which again makes me surprised that it didn't get noticed by the general public. This is a game with the same spit and shine as all the big boys. Not to mention the $3 price is just right, especially considering the replay value inherent with it's randomly generated puzzles. If I were to have one complaint it would be that there is a bit of a delay between the time you hit the app icon on your iphone and when you actually start playing the game. It has two brief splash screens, which isn't a big deal, but it also has a loading screen that takes a bit of time, possibly 20 seconds or so. Though, I'm assuming that the loading may be the time it takes to generate the set of puzzles for the game, however, to make sure that once the game starts the new puzzles load up instantly even though they are all unique for your current game session. All in all, I've tried around 100 games in the app store, and I'd probably place this somewhere in the top 10. For $3 it is a steal.

One of the best iPhone/iPod Touch games


I absolutely LOVE this game. The controls are simple, and work perfectly. The graphics look great, too. I don't, however, like the music, because it reminds me of a REALLY bad game I used to play (Casper the Friendly Ghost: Friends Around the World for the PS1), but that's just a personal problem, and one that I'm sure most other people won't have. Overall, great game, hurry and buy it.



I was a bit apprenhensive at first to get this app, thinking that with all the race reviews It wouldn't be all that great but it really is. This is the most visually stunning app I has bought from the app store and not to mention fun too . I love strategy games and this does it in a very impressive way. I didn't waste 3 bucks and I look forward to more games from this developer!

Very fun, lots of replay value. The best $2.99 you will ever spend at the App Store!


Check out the video on You Tube as the screenshots in the App store don't even come close to the real thing. Very fun, fantastic music, professional graphics, a great control system. Lot's of detail in the app, it's easy to see it was a labor of love by the team that produced it! Good puzzle aspect to figuring out where Marv needs to go. This game very likely has the highest production values of any in the store. Pick it up, you won't regret it! R