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Mosques Locator

How many times have you found yourself in need of finding closest Mosque (Masjid) in your surroundings?
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Navigation Free Azzure Labs iPhone, iPad, iPod

Mosques Locator quickly identifies your position and allows you to choose the nearest Masjid.

+ Offer Salah in the mosque near you.
+ Very useful when traveling or at a new place.


• Inbuilt map with nearby mosques tagged.
• Automatically finds your location and also locates nearby mosques.
• View mosque details including the address.
• View list of nearby mosques.
• Direction pointer to help you navigate to the mosque you want to visit.

Fast, easy and accurate. Mosques Locator is your ideal day to day companion.



با سلام از اين app كاربردي و مفيدتون خيلي ممنونم. باعث خوشحالي هست كه امثال شما وجود دارند و اين نرم افزارهاي سودمند رو ارائه ميدند. Thank you for your useful app.I'm so glad when we have this kind of apps. If we can save all the map we won't need internet all the time and I think it's better. God bless you.

Abu Sabik

More location to be updated- Good keep it up

جزاك الله خيرا

Dear brothers keep working on it and we need tafsir Quran by shieh Muhammad mutwali al sherawi rahimahu Allah thank you and may Allah bless you.

Great ..

جزاكم الله خيراً .. برنامج رائع يعين على أداء الصلاة في المسجد ..

جزاكم الله خيرا
عبد الحفيظ/:/-"

Great app, thank you very much for providing such a noble service. If you check for updates and add some missing mosques that will be ever greater. Thank you again.

Love it
Dieng vatures

It helps me to get to the closest mosque

Jassim 1977

الله يجزاكم كل خير


I live in the city of Atlanta, GA where their is seven Masaajid inside a five mile radius, yet this app said it could not find any.


Good app


Works perfectly.

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