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Money Game

United Way of Greater Atlanta announced today the launch of its Money Game app. Money Game is a free mobile application providing a new way for people to become engaged in a subject that some may consider boring – financial wellbeing. The new version of the app uses financial trivia to motivate users to learn how to become financially self-sufficient so they can do more than live from paycheck to paycheck. And the education doesn’t stop there. Users can obtain financial education certification – often a prerequisite for home buying or starting an Individual Development Account (IDA)
Category Price Seller Device
Education Free United Way of Greater Atlanta, Inc. iPhone, iPad, iPod


Great prep tool
Atlanta Girl 1015

This game is great! Easy to use and kinda fun too!

Easier to play and love the tools

Much easier to play and streamlined from the last update. Utilities tools are super helpful.


I really like the update! I think it’s a great game and a great idea.


This app is amazing! I’ve downloaded a lot of different financial focused apps but always end up deleting them because I have no reason to return back to the app. Well, MoneyGame is a game changer! I refer back to the app often and the user experience is very easy. The app functions great! I ❤️ the Raising Smart Kids area and the preparing for the unexpected! I’d recommend this app to anyone. Nice work!

Makes financial learning fun

I had my two teenage children download this app to learn more about budgeting and identity theft. They have actually worked through the modules because they like the gaming aspect to the app!

Easy to understand and even easier to use!

I was just telling my fiancé the other day that I wish we understood what to worry about with our finances as we start saving and just planning for a family. I stumbled on this on Facebook and found out through the quizzes that, well, I guess we had a lot to learn. Haha The videos were so helpful - loved this!


VERY FUN WAY TO LEARN FINANCE AND BANKING! I've seen ALL ages love this game! Btw the theme song is super catchy!


Fun and addictive and I learn something too!! :)

Poor questions, not well thought out

There are misspellings throughout this game. (E.g. You should shed your receipts.) Ironically, it tries to connect to your Facebook account to win prizes, but doesn't say what it does with your info. Will it post on your behalf? Notify your friends that you are a financial idiot? Also, late in the game a question required a No response, but the two choices were both Yes. This made it impossible to get past that question. Also, when you make a mistake you have to go back and re-answer the previous few questions, which you just got right. You should get some immediate guidance on the question you missed. A couple of the responses could be argued have a different right answer. And a few questions didn't have any right answer, the context of the answers were inconsistent with the question. I just found a question in the debt section that had no correct answer. And another question was very awkward, starting with "Did you know that...." Which means if you didn't know that fact you should put false, and if you did know it you could put true. All in all, this could have been a fun and educational game, but it needs some fixes to be worthwhile.

is this still beta?

Many web apps do waaay better and faster than this app. Removed after 10 minutes. bad interface, poor experience, lack of details, etc.

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