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Mogost started as an idea back in 2007 or so....i think?? We had purchased a local transmission shop as an investment and on numerous occasions realized that many customers were calling us and giving us prices for a quoted repair which they had gotten from other shops. In some cases we could meet or beat that price and would tell them so. Then they would take that information back to the other shop and ask them to beat our new price.....which sparked an epiphany!
Category Price Seller Device
Lifestyle Free robert raines iPhone, iPad, iPod

Why do buyers have to chase deals? Because they want the best price or features of course. And that's where the idea came a website that allows the buyer to let sellers compete for their business.

Additionally Heather (wife) and her mom and sister loved doing crafts. Much to the pain of Rob (husband) they would often load up the truck and trailer for weekend craft shows..and by they we mean he would load up the truck and trailer.

They also sold on a very popular craft website and often complained about the changes that kept taking place with the site. Same with the big and most popular online auction site...they used it but weren't happy with how it worked and the complexity of understanding fees or paying such high fees.

Taking all of these things into account we decided to merge all of the best parts of some of the most popular ways of doing business online. We also thought it would be awesome to add a social component to allow buyers and sellers to share things in ways other than just purchases. We hope to see people showcasing their skills in what they build or sharing how they use the products and services they purchase through our site.

This has been a long development process. We've had a lot of failed attempts at finding the right people to make things come together. Last year we finally lucked up and began working with an awesome programmer that could make the vision turn into a reality.

This site is for everyone...especially you the user. Think of this as your place...your website. We're anxious to know what you think and try to improve in areas you see lacking.

Give us a yell via the contact us page with any suggestions or comments. We really want to hear from you!

Spread the word and share this site with your friends. We have a lot more to do and can't do it without you.

The Mogost Team


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