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Mission 119

Mission 119, whose name is derived from Psalm 119, the longest chapter in the Bible, and one devoted entirely to expounding on the role of Scripture and its value in the lives of God fearing people will provide a method and a means for people to:
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Education Free Mission 119, Inc. iPhone, iPad, iPod

1) Develop a habit of daily interaction with the Bible; 2) Learn a method by which to understand and study the Bible;
3) Begin to apply the principles and truths of Scripture to their own lives in a meaningful and life changing way and;
4) Evaluate the degree to which they have retained and understood their reading.

Regular daily readings of Scripture will be supplemented by a original daily audio commentary on the passages read and by additional readings and quizzes which will supplement and enhance the participants’ understanding.


Pastor Soper you da man!
R. Hutchings

Comprehensive and easy to follow learning of the bible

Great App
Benny Ztd

Great app with getting more familiar with the bible

Just needs some work

It's a 5 star program! I absolutely love Mission 119, my entire church has been challenged to use this daily reading program. I love the daily readings and messages from Pastor Soper, but in order to enjoy this program I have to use my PC. This app keeps closing on both my iPad and iPhone. I wish that wasn't the case, I would love to have access to the readings at all times.

Mission 119 is Great!

For over one year this has been my daily read-listen-to message. Learning new things. I like the structure and personal time to think and meditate. Listening to the message makes it real to me. I look forward to continuing this pattern and completely reading the Bible.


very good book, book very good. i muslim now christian

Excellent study

This study and the daily guidance/devotional will truly change your life. Pastor Soper has become the voice I look forward to hearing every morning.

Reading the bible + Listening to a short sermon = Best Bible App. Period.

I read the scripture, either by listening to the app, or using my own bible. I then listen to a mini sermon on what I’ve read - learning the context in which it was written, as well as modern day applications of the scripture in my own life. We’re digging into scripture here. Not using scripture to support random claims. I love it. Honestly, this app has transformed my spiritual life. Do I need to be more diligent? Yes. Do I have any excuse not to be? No. Why? Because everything is right here, and readily accessible, and the new update is amazing. Plus, if you’re always on the go, you can honestly listen to everything and not have to stare at a screen the whole time. Try this for a week. There’s no way you won’t love it.

Upgraded and I like it!
go m:119!!!!

You can listen to the Bible now within the app and pastor Soper's messages are always so helpful. I'm doing book searches now to supplement my other studies too! Thank you so much pastor soper! May God help his people Know His Word! ❤️


I highly recommend this bible reading app. Simple and powerful, it has helped me become more disciplined in my daily bible study and I’m yearning for more.

Best Bible Study I have done!!
doug of toledo

The most wonderful Bible study I have ever done! I just completed the entire study which covers the entire Bible and I think I will start all over. I have led most of Beth Moores Bible Studies, several by Priscilla Shirer, and others at our church. I love the way Pastor Soper ties the Old Testament to the New. His brief commentaries make it more personal and life challenging.

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