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Meditation Game

Meditation Game is an interactive experience that helps you relax and get into a more meditative state.
Category Price Seller Device
Games Free Benny Steen iPhone, iPad, iPod

It introduces meditation to those who haven't tried it before and helps those who want to practice meditation but at times find it too hard to close their eyes and just sit quiet.

More experienced meditators can use it as another form of walking meditation, where you use the experience of walking as your focus.

- Features -

The game is completely free and always will be.
There are no ads, only a few in app purchases for those who wish to support me financially.

You control the game by tilting your device or with an on-screen joystick.

At this moment the game contains:

- Four meditations
- Awareness,
- Existence,
- Love,
- and Wisdom

- Two translations
- English,
- and Dutch

- An Ocean theme

With your support I would love to add:

- More themes
- Forest,
- Moonlight,
- and Sunrise

- More meditations
- Forgiveness,
- Trust,
- Life,
- ...

- As many translations as possible

- More high quality relaxing music

Please let me know if you want to see this game in your language and can help with translating or if you have any suggestions or ideas which may improve your experience.


Absolutely love this

Thank you I was looking for something like this. Love the music and the concept. The app creator is a very humble person best of all, no intrusive ads or upsell tactics! I am so happy I found this I had to review and follow on Twitter ❤️


Adore that playing this is itself a mediation, and also how it illustrates the Law of Attraction: what you go near with your attention/thoughts, starts to become attracted to you, and if you catch yourself, you can redirect your focus and move (vibrationally) in a different direction! Love it ?


A very great experience!

When does the game start?

The app just repeated generic phrases of relaxation like “breathe in and out” and “simply observe” for more than five minutes and I never got to move the ball around to attract the energy. Where is the game in this? I like the music though. Sounds like fun if it would work.

I like it but

I love this app and find it relaxing especially when i don't want to meditate but need to. My only problem with it is the big black circle? Ive played on android and it doesn't have that. Is this a glitch on the apple version? Its been like that for months. Even tried redownloading. If its purposely there i would rethink that. Otherwise great. Think of it as a relaxation exercise more than a game.

So Very Relaxing

I’ve had this app for a few years, and I really like the new themes. This works for me.

Really Lovely ✨???

Really Lovely “game”...Often times my meditations reveal balls of Light and show me images of how to move Light into a situation or how Light is in Me Always...I see Myself “gathering these balls of Light here in this “game”, smiling and saying to each ball of Light...Aaaah...Here you are! Thank you! We are Light together and other such “Mantras” ✨???☮️?

More please.?
Adoration "Key"

This app is exactly what I've been looking, and waiting for. A meditation app where you participate and interact, rather than just observing pleasant images moving on the screen, which in short time I usually find myself ignoring and putting my attention elsewhere. But with this game, you gently and relaxingly move your little consciousness sphere around the screen collecting little energy clusters, which keeps you focused and engaged, allowing you to easily follow the promptings appearing and disappearing on the screen. I have already found deep peace, sudden inspirations, and powerful insights while using this app.

Amazing game!

I love it, it really helps me relax, thank you. :)


Excellent app that is calming and tranquil. I use it every morning when I get up and every night before I go to bed. Also when I start becoming stressed or frustrated.

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