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Marriage Builders® Radio

Why do people fall in love?
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Education Free Marriage Builders, Inc. iPhone, iPad, iPod

Why do they fall out of Love?
How can their love be restored?
How can a terrible marriage become a terrific marriage?

These are some of the questions that psychologist and best-selling author of “His Needs, Her Needs,” Dr. Bill Harley and his wife, veteran radio host and producer, Joyce Harley, answer on their weekday radio show, Marriage Builders® Radio. The program’s email and call-in format provides listeners an opportunity to ask Dr. Harley their marriage-related questions directly – and get advice and answers that you will find helpful. Topics discussed include infidelity, abuse, neglect, communication skills, restoring love, restoring trust, counseling & therapy, and so much more! The listener is also updated on the latest marriage and family research, tends and issues.

The Marriage Builders Radio app is also you way to submit a question directly to Dr. Harley. And as a BONUS, if your question is answered on the radio program, you will be sent a free book from Marriage Builders!



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