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Download Luna Physical Therapy

Luna Physical Therapy

Use the Luna app to schedule on-demand visits with a qualified physical therapist. Get affordable care right away—no wait lists and we accept most insurance! In most cases, a physician's referral is not needed.
Category Price Seller Device
Medical Free Luna Care, Inc. iPhone, iPad, iPod

Book an Appointment Today:
Request a day and time that works for you. Our operating hours are between 6:30am and 8:30pm, 7 days per week. Our priority is convenient and quality care.

Feel Better, Faster:
We’ll match you with the right PT for your condition, and keep you matched when possible for the duration of your care. Message the Luna Concierge or your PT anytime for assistance.

How Luna Works:
- We'll match you with the best physical therapist for your condition.
- A specialized physical therapist will come to your home, gym, or office with all the necessary equipment.
- Your therapist can prescribe free exercises for you via the Luna app, and monitor your progress.
- You'll work with the same therapist for your entire course of care.
- We'll bill your insurance company, or you can pay a flat rate out of pocket.

Luna physical therapists are committed to helping their patients stay motivated and engaged throughout their entire course of care. And they're all licensed, background-checked, and thoroughly vetted.


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