Legacy:Witch Island.Lite. Icon
Download Legacy:Witch Island.Lite.

Legacy:Witch Island.Lite.

Could you even imagine what an ordinary hot air balloon ride could get you into? You accidently wind up in the mysterious island which is ruled by a Witch. Soon you realize that your arrival was not just a coincidence. Will you be able to get to the Castle and break the Witch’s spells using your logic skills and knowledge? Explore picturesque sceneries of the island: mysterious forest, rocky mountains, dark caves and high altitude lakes. Help loyal people by breaking the Witches spells and reveal the secret of the ancient prophecy and your role in it.
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Games Free Dmitriy Vasilchenko iPad


Witches legacy island
Russell wolf

Played the Lite version,then it said you want buy,we said hell yes,we bought this and we had to play it OVER Again! What kind of CRAP is this!

Fun! Fun! Fun!

The game is packed full of mini-games, and once you have played a mini-game within the main game, you can access the mini-game from the main menu and play it as often as you want. The game also has plenty of HOS with a variety of ways to "seek" (list of objects, point and click within a scene, etc.) An interactive map would be nice, but the lack of one is okay because you do not need to go more than a couple of scenes back,and not that often, within each area of the game. The artwork is gorgeous, and the game has a good storyline!!! A whole lot of entertainment for a great price!!!!!!! (About $3 less than typical BigFish game!!) I would like to play more games from this developer!!!!

Really good!
Really? All the names taken?

This is surprisingly good! I buy a Big Fish games all the time. This one gives Big Fish a fun for its money and even surpasses it in many ways. Keep making games!