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Download KFC online food ordering

KFC online food ordering

"KFC App by Yum! Restaurants
Category Price Seller Device

Hunger can catch up to you at any time of the day... You need to be ready for it! If you’ve downloaded the KFC app on your phones, this is the chance to have delicious food at your fingertips in a jiffy. Boxed not just within your screens but for your doorstep— hot and crunchier than ever! Whenever hunger hits you, wherever you are, the app has you covered:

Features overview
-If you want a bucket of chicken to feed an army or just for you (home alone), avail of exclusive deals & offers on this app.
- What’s trending– View what others are eating and liking.
-The KFC app has an elephants memory. It stores multiple addresses for easier dispatch.
-It gets real personal too. Keeping track of your past orders to make eating a lot easier.



Shame on the Apple App Store for allowing this app to available to USA customers with no indication this is only for KFC India. PLEASE CHANGE THE NAME TO KFC INDIA!!!!!!

No KFC Love for the USA

Funny how a US restaurant catering to Kentucky style chicken doesn’t offer an app for the country it originated from. Weird that I too love KFC and convenient order but can’t get both in the USA Popeyes chicken has app ordering maybe I’ll switch to them instead.

Misleading and frustrating

Why isn’t there a kfc app for the USA??!! This app leads you into thinking it is for the USA until you download it. TRASH!!

Don’t do it

App is only for India. WTH? Deleted but not till after I gave them my cell phone #. I registered before looking at ordering. Delete quickly.

Please read
im trying to give advice

Why wouldn’t they have an app for where the KFC was created?!? If you downloaded this app and your are reading the reviews which you are I would recommend deleting this app, especially if you don’t live in the USA! For those who have read this and thought this was helpful thank you, thank you. If you read this and disliked it please go check out another persons review. For those who have read till the end I’ll give you some advice before downloading a app, always look at the reviews first!! THANk YOU for even look at this review in one out of a million.

India NOT America
What the Chuck?

USA residents do NOT download

Only for India

Only for India

Seton prince

How about an app for USA?!!!?


Be careful...this app shows up for the United States, but, once downloaded, it is KFC India! Beware, that is where a lot of scams originate from! Delete the app

Where is the American version??
love tha app

Holy crap Batman did some people in India buy KFC ? Why isn’t there a American version ?? Oh. My. God . !!!! This isn’t saying app isn’t good but Kentucky Fried Chicken was created here why oh why isn’t there a app that I can order great food for my family and friends !!! Give us that KFC!!!

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