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Download Jumpy Lite

Jumpy Lite

Jumpy Lite is an addictive platform game that anyone can enjoy for free!
Category Price Seller Device
Games Free Ryan Scoopo iPhone, iPad, iPod

The lite version includes beginner levels to get a taste of what the full version will be like.
The full version is coming soon!



This game is very fun and challenging. Can't Wait for the full version!

Great game
Dr. Fred 1397

Wow what a game. Can't wait for the new version to come out. Everyone should get this game.

Loads of fun
Raul Yas

Fun and challenging. I'll definitely be on the lookout for the full version :)

Fun and Challenging

This is a great, challenging game with a lot of future potential, I can't wait for the full version to come out.


Great game! Can't wait to see new updates!

Truly a Five Star Performance
Vincent Mutolo

WHAT a debut from the new young coder. He's demonstrated his future in the cyber world. He's grasping for the stars, as Icarus did in his time, but Ryan WILL NOT FALL. Godspeed, R. S.


This is the most amazing app ever to be introduced to the App Store. Every night I have sweet dreams about my jumpy square. I cannot get enough! I skip meals and neglect myself just so I have more time to play this game! LOL my family thinks I'm anorexic but I'm really just having oodles of fun playing Jumpy Lite! Not to mention it was made by the best app designer in the history of the world! This is some 21st century, next level, futuristic shiz! Download it now if you love crisp graphics, meticulously crafted mechanics, and levels that are just as addicting as heroin❗️?????



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