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Jumpalot Junkbot

Space is full of junk. You're a junkbot. Collect the junk.
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Games Free David Fono iPhone, iPad, iPod

Death is certain! But you can delay it by hitting power panels, careening to and fro through deep space like a hyped up bouncy ball. And you can navigate by spinning the world around you, losing all sense of direction and possibly your lunch. Go fast fast fast, get dizzy dizzy dizzy, and forget your impending mortality while cleaning up the cosmos and building up a sweet collection of junk.

With stupid-fast gameplay, a simple but twisted control scheme, and beautiful artwork created from tea stains(?!), Jumpalot Junkbot is a casual action game taken to some kind of absurd extreme.


* Simple, one-touch controls: spin the world by swiping!
* Unique, tea stain based artwork.
* 4 levels of unlockable junkbots, from the reasonably zippy to the nonsensically fast.
* 100 kinds of collectable junk, from dead goldfish to historical artifacts.
* 7 zones with cosmic features including explodey things, zoomy things, pushy things, pully things and drifting things.
* A deep, dark secret.


Found this game from reddit

Having fun collecting 'junk' and upgrading my bot would recommend people to get this game

Saw your post on reddit
Stanky stank

This game is pretty addicting an mesmerizing. I'm glad it doesn't use those disorienting gyroscope controls that so many similar games use. My toilet breaks are definitely a lot longer thanks to this game. Btw, the menu screen is pretty rad

Buttery smooth and good time sink
Amir Rajan

Really polished game and the controls are nice too :-) it's exactly what I expected it to be. A fun distraction.

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