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The official app for Janet Evanovich, #1 New York Times Bestselling author.
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Book Free Evanovich, Inc iPhone, iPad, iPod

- Live news feed direct from Janet's site.
- Complete novel list including upcoming releases.
- Chapter one for every Janet Evanovich novel, including upcoming releases.
- Cover copy, chapter one, bookplate info and buy links for the next upcoming release.
- Notifications direct to your phone on release dates and for price drops.



Great app with all the info I could ever need on Janet Evanovich's books. I love her wit and enjoy the light hearted books. This is a great companion tool.❤️

Twenty six

The newest book was terrible. It read like it was written by a trainer ghost writer. The dialogue was not in the rhythm of prior books. The dialogue was long and totally out of character for all the characters. The book made no sense. I m sorry I was asked money on it. All the prior books I loved. Fast, witty, etc. This one seemed like it was written by someone else!!!



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