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Iowa Wine and Beer

Wine and beer lovers alike will find a lot to toast when they tour Iowa’s numerous wineries and breweries. Our Iowa Wine & Beer app includes a directory of the 100+ wineries and breweries in Iowa. Use the map to discover wineries or breweries near you. Listings include descriptions of amenities, photos, contact information and hours.
Category Price Seller Device
Food & Drink Free Iowa Economic Development Authority iPhone, iPad, iPod


Remind your favorite venues to keep info up-to-date

This is an ok app but it would benefit from menus and hours of operation. But it’s not really the apps fault; info appears to be pulled from the Iowa Tourism Office’s website. Just like businesses must keep their website, social media, and Google info current...add this one to the list. This app has a lot of promise for travelers like me seeking out new breweries and wineries, so mention you found them with the app and remind them to keep their Iowa Tourism info up-to-date. Cheers!

Very useful and well done
T Reding

Great App! Great visuals and useful.

Great app!!!

I love this app! Very helpful!

Nice for finding wineries

Very nice simple app. Would be really cool to have a feature where you can check off where you have been. Ideally it would be even cooler if you had a lost of wine and beer for each place you could check off as you tasted. But the app, for what it is, a directory and place to discover new wineries and breweries, is very nice.

Best App for discovers great local brews

I absolutely love this app! Great for finding local wine and beer, map view makes it even easier when out on the town. A+ app!

Iowa wine and beer



Could be great but every time I tap on a brewery the app crashes.