Interior Design Home: Decorate Icon
Download Interior Design Home: Decorate

Interior Design Home: Decorate

Love home designing and decorating? Decorate your house or apartment and furnish it with the best floor plan and interior decoration. Create custom home design or start designing your house with your own choice. Decorate the living rooms along with kitchens and TV lounge with ultimate room planner. Home designing app provides you the most customization options to decorate rooms, renovate houses, choose home decors to design a dream home. Start the endless fun of home decoration and house renovation by taking the photo of your room, lounge etc to decorate. Make your choice from over a collection of pieces of furniture and accessories to customize your decoration and express your style.
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Collection of different home decor items
Stylish furniture and home decoration accessories
Play and express your home design creativity
Try for the better home designer for all rooms
Choose by style, location or room, such as kitchen or bathroom
Easily design your dream home and publish your designs
Wall painting with desired color and decors
Create custom design for all rooms, kitchen, washroom and outdoor
Stunning design ideas for living rooms and house for better decoration
Visualize your dream home interior design to get a better idea of what it will really look like
Take a photo of your room, upload it from your Camera Roll or use one for interior design
Save and share home design photos with friends and family


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