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Information Superhighway

You scroll down. We serve up random Wikipedia articles, one after the next. If you want to read more, tap the one button.
Category Price Seller Device
Reference Free Kyle Hughes iPhone, iPad, iPod

The articles may or may not interest you. That's the point; there's no commitment, you can innocently scroll and fidget. There are no colors. You'll never think, "just one more article." It is software for software's sake.

Wikipedia deserves to be approachable, and it finally is.


* Distraction-free reading
* Beautiful serif typography
* Widgets
* Dark Mode
* Apple Watch app
* Sharing links
* Sharing articles to Instagram Stories
* Sharing full-text articles in plaintext and Markdown
* Siri Shortcuts to get articles in plaintext and Markdown
* Handoffs across iOS devices
* Background refreshing
* Intelligent offline caching
* Context menus
* 275 Wikipedia languages
* Multiple windows
* Keyboard shortcuts


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