Iesabel Reviews – Page 4

3/5 rating based on 63 reviews. Read all reviews for Iesabel for iPhone.
Iesabel is paid iOS app published by Forever Entertainment S.A.

Great game with glitches


Best diablo-like game, but it needs some more testing. Errors including missing textures, stuck character, enemies, not working triggers. Game keeps crashing when entering various act iii levels.

EASILY the best original ARPG on the app store


And I've played them all. This is what Dungeon Hunter 3 and 4 should have been, a deep, pc level ARPG with zero iap shenanigans. Runs GORGEOUSLY on Ipad air, and is adjustable to your preference - at medium to medium-low settings, you get a silky _60fps_ experience, or you can turn the graphics up if you're a detail guy (personally, I'm a 60fps guy all the way). And this game has better graphics at 60fps than other games do at their measly 30fps - see Dungeon Hunter 4 and Warriors of Eternity 3. Anyway, the graphics aren't what matters at the end of the day - this game has full ARPG gameplay in spades. Your screen is filled with buttons to map your myriad avilities to, and it isn't "dumbed down" for the mobile market. The only arpg that I could say is better than this on the app store is Bard's tale - and that one doesn't really count because it's a console port. That game's high marks also come from it's great humor and production values, but this game is actually the deeper rpg. The -only- reason this game has a 3-star rating is because the dev apparently has some integrity, and hasn't artificially inflated it's rating with a paid review farm, like nearly every other dev out there does nowadays. Don't fall for the aggregate - this IS the best ARPG on the app store, and a crazy good deal at that, and you'd be crazy not to give it a try. I have had zero crashes. Like most games, people with older hardware flood the reviews complaining of crashes, and many of them either are trying to run it on something very old, or simply aren't aware of how to clear their system memory ( close all other apps and restart). Every other game on the app store would have the same ratio of "crashing" complaints if it weren't for the aforementioned review farms padding out the review sections to make the complaints seem like the minority. If you have an A6 piece of hardware and clear your memory properly, you WON'T have any problems.


dog on wheels

Yes, you bought it because you want a Diablo clone on your mobile device. And you played it for a while and it is surprisingly fun and kinda looks good, so let's give it a shot despite all the bugs, right? Someone will surely fix them on an upcoming patch (characters stuck in invisible walls; damage miscalculations; your summoned monsters go with you through the town portal but stay there when you get back to the dungeon, making you unsummon them all before having to re-summon. just to name a few bugs.) Forget it. I bought this game almost a year ago and there has never been a single update. I wrote the developer and got a "thank you, those issues will be added to our internal list". Liars! Don't get me wrong, I had lots of fun before realizing I was playing an abandoned game. Buy it at your own risk.

Great fun but far too many crashes


I've really been enjoying this. Reminds me of the years I spent playing Diablo. BUT, at the very least, WHY isn't there an auto save feature. Had it crash on me and I lost EVERYTHING I had done/accumulated/points spent/gear obtained/levels obtained/etc from the past hour of play. There are even areas where you get stuck. NOTHING you do will allow you to progress. Only option; start a new character. If these bugs can be ironed out I'd give this a 5*.

To bad about crash


Would like to give 5 stars but aggravation of crash every few minutes just ruins the whole game. Please fix so I can enjoy it.



This game has the feel of a truly good dungeon crawl arpg. Is it as polished as games like dungeon hunter or diablo 3? No, but in my opinion this is beneficial. The item and skill system are not cookie cutter. There is no hand holding. I can't stand games that have a flat out tiered item system... DH 4, for example, became very boring very quickly because you can easily outmatch the game by getting items ahead of your level. I'm tired of games in which you just use one skill and no strategy, and so far, this game has me wanting to explore all of the skills. It runs flawlessly on my iPad mini with retina. I'm really hoping that they add content and characters, and that they get a chance to make some unique items that have cool added benefits.



If you are looking for a Diablo clone, Orc Vengeance is the game for you.

Terrible gameplay


Experienced gamer here, I knew this was a waste of money 30 seconds into the game. Graphics are terrible, gameplay is laggy, not worth the $$$ imo

Nearly unplayable


I'd give this game rave reviews... Except I paid money for a game that doesn't work. Wonderful graphics and interactive HUD and gameplay but the story line is riddled with grammar mistakes, nearly like a half baked Japanese man. I can forgive that (although sets my teeth on edge!), but the constant crashes is what killed this game. I'm about 45-60 mins into the plot... Maybe... With about 5 hours of game play. Game crashes so much it should be renamed Paul Walker.


Robert Lubin

This game is amazing. Coming from someone that normally only plays console (x1) this is still a great game. All of the negative reviews are from people using old hardware complaining. Runs flawless on my iPad Air, even with the graphics maxed out (yes it has in game graphics options). Amazing game 5 stars, much more depth then anything I've played in the App Store.