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Chip’N is an “Economy for Good” that provides individuals with opportunities to create change through technology.
Category Price Seller Device
Lifestyle Free We Chip'N LLC iPhone, iPad, iPod

As a national platform, the app is encouraging millennials to help build their communities by being active participants through volunteering. Help solve major impact issues related to Education, Environmental Justice, Economic Sustainability, and Food Access.

Our goal is to provide difference makers with access to over one million opportunities to create change.

So how do you use ChipN? Users will begin by creating a profile. Then:
• Discover volunteer events
• Sign up for or create volunteer events
• View and share curated content
• Track volunteer impact through "Impact Analytics"

Have a question or a suggestion? Contact [email protected] and we will answer any question you have!

Take initiative, search for opportunities, choose where to volunteer, and make a difference!


IchipN verify email and I didn’t get a email

Because I didn’t get a email and it says I did and I can’t hit the attend button to do my volunteer work please help ASAP .

Great Idea!

I love volunteering! Wish I could search for events by date and type too.

Not working

Every time I try to sign up it won't let me validate my email.


Used this during BroccoliCity festival and the app was great, so were the benefits! Hope this app expands to North Carolina.

Good Idea, but some Kinks to work out

Loved the concept of this app and while it worked when you were able to volunteer. There are still somethings that could make it better. 1. Being able to filter out the volunteer events so that you can see the events that need more volunteers. The way the app is set up, you have to scroll through every event and check out if it's full or not which gets annoying after a while. 2. We should get notifications on when new volunteer events have been added. (Like a lump sum).

Meaningful app

Has a great purpose, it is a must download. App of the future


Very dope app!! Super easy to use & helpful

Great App!
Reya Star

Great app for a great cause!

I love it!

I love this app! It's such a dope twist to volunteering and creating change! I love that it streamlines the process of getting active in your local community by showcasing opportunities within my area. So glad I found it!

Sir Mike T
Steve Fobs

This app is slick... I got my girl a $50 Victoria Secret gift card, and me a Roots Picnic tix for volunteering at the YMCA a couple days! ??