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Download - Best Last Minute Hotel Deals Travel App - Best Last Minute Hotel Deals Travel App

All those big travel websites provide the same rate – but what if you could get one even lower? With HotelCoupons you get access to the lowest possible rates for hotels nationwide by using a walk-in coupon. Hoteliers update these rates daily, so you can be sure to get the best deal available. Browse hotels nearby or search for hotels in your next destination using this sleek app.
Category Price Seller Device
Travel Free Travel Guide, LLC iPhone, iPad, iPod

View property photos, check for available amenities and watch a video about the property. HotelCoupons works seamlessly with your favorite navigation app, so you can view the property location and get directions the way you want them. You can clip your favorite coupons to easily access them in the "My Coupons" section, plus the app keeps track of properties you recently viewed. To check for hotel room availability, click to call the hotel directly from the app. It has never been easier to access the cheapest rates on hotels and motels you love!

Formerly RoomSaver, has been saving travelers money on last-minute hotel rates for more than 32 years.

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Not working

This app does not work. Nothing comes up when you input your location or check what is near me. Horrible.

Email doesn't work!
Not that George W

I tested the email function by emailing to both my addresses and they never arrived! I searched the junk folder and even checked the spam files on my server and found nothing.

Loved this app until they ruined it

App worked perfectly until they updated it. They removed the map feature which shows you where all the hotels are located. Now if you find a hotel you like you have to search the map to find out if it's near where you are going. All they need to do is add a map feature which they removed. But emails to the app creator did nothing!!

Hotel does not honor rate without coupon

See title. Hotel won't accept rate from room saver app, they need the paper coupon. Bummer!

Good app

I have not tried email feature, but Days Inn in Roanoke VA accepted coupon from my iPhone screen & gave us the discount rate. Gave it 4 stars because good app but I have only used it once.

Roomsaver App

This App will save you a ton of money. I love it!

Useless -- can't even get started -- phone support hopeless

Don't even bother downloading this mess. It doesn't work. First, if you set up an account on Roomsaver using your computer, then download the app to your iPhone, then run it, the iPhone version requires you to set up a new account. Believe it or not, there is NO PROVISION FOR SHARING YOUR ACCOUNT BETWEEN YOUR COMPUTER AND YOUR IPHONE!!! Right there, that's a one star rating. So I try to use the app to set up a new account. I fill in the fields, it tells me everything is OK, and tells me to go look for a confirmation e-mail with a link to click. I find the e-mail -- it was NOT in my spam folder -- but there is no confirmation link to click -- just a general link to the roomsaver site. Uh oh; that's not a good sign. Down to one half star now. When I click the general link, it gives me the standard Roomsaver login screen. I enter my new username and password... and nothing happens. The screen "blinks" (refreshes something) and goes nowhere. Current rating: zero stars. So I click the "Forgot Password" link. It sends me a new e-mail, with my new password. I click on the link in the e-mail, and it takes me to the Roomsaver site. OMG, it actually filled in the username for me -- maybe there is hope after all. Back up to one-half star. To be sure I enter the new password correctly, I copy from the e-mail and paste into the field. I click login. The screen "blinks" (refreshes something) and goes nowhere. Again and again and again. Currently: zero stars. I UNinstall the iPhone app, then reinstall it. I repeat all the above, with exactly the same results. I call 1-800-ROOMSAV, and the lady on the other end of the line is very polite. She puts me on hold, and soon comes back to say that she will report this to the development team. Can I talk to them? Leave them a voicemail? No. Negative one star. Which means, of course, that the dev team will never get the information they need to figure anything out. By the way, the link here in iTunes App Store to RoomSaver Support just takes you to the main site; you have to hunt down the phone number by yourself. That's not easy, either. Negative two stars. Stupidity means doing the same thing over and over even though the results are the same each time. I've had one cycle of frustration and one cycle of stupidity. You can learn from my stupidity and keep yourself from going through even one stupid cycle by following this advice: JUST FORGET ABOUT THIS APP!!!!!

I did not want want to give it any stars

So bad!! Don't download it!! Not worth the time!! They should delete it from the app store!! I had all the same problems as everyone else!! Don't do it!!

honor the coupon

that is stupid... hotels should honor the coupon in the app on the cellphone. Hotels should be notified by Room Saver. I have coupons from other websites in my phone and companies or businesses honor them.

On the road
Road w bernie

Excellent app and will certainly save travelers money.

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