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Horror Amino

The largest social network just for horror fans. Meet others like you and discuss your favorite movies, stories, CreepyPasta, and shows. Share what you make with a huge audience of likeminded people. In this app, you can:
Category Price Seller Device
Social Networking Free Narvii Inc. iPhone, iPad, iPod

CHAT with other fans and make new friends
VOTE on your favorite actors, characters, stories, movies, etc.
FIND and DISCUSS movies, TV shows, stories, and books recommended by a community that knows horror better than anywhere else
READ and PUBLISH original horror stories and CreepyPasta
LEARN from and CONTRIBUTE to our horror catalog - an encyclopedia of all things horror


Great app but...

Great app but for some reason when I tried to go back in after not using it for a while it told that I was banned even thought I never did anything to get me banned. Weird...

Very cool app

Found this app after getting bored one night and searching horror movies in the App Store and this app came up, so I downloaded it and I love it, very cool meeting new people that love the same things as you do, it’s like twitter but just for horror fans

Amazing app
Levon Berkey

Every social media app I have ever been on has always devolved into mean spirited bickering except this one. Who would have thought the nicest people on social media would be horror fans? A positive experience, plus a lot of content to keep ones interest. I strongly recommend this app if you're a fan of the horror genre.

Great App!

This is a great app for horror lovers. I highly recommend it! ?

Love it
Ducky T original

I love this app! I finally get to meet people like me!?


It’s such a good app where I get to actually talk to people about my favorite horror characters! ?

Why iam banned

I hope you guys can explain to me why I’m band please can you reinstate whatever I did I’m sorry

Love this app

this apo gives lots of feilds of interest communities that share the same love for the subjects you do its so fun!

Great fun app with a good community

This is great with a good open community. Everyone is very nice and open to opinions and ideas.

it wont let me make an account
pretty flaco jordy

yea yo i really wana use this but it let me make an account my phone is pretty new and I install the latest update what do i do