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Hope Sabbath School

Hope Sabbath School is in-depth, interactive study of the Bible. And now, it is available on your iOS device!
Category Price Seller Device
Entertainment Free Hope Channel, Inc. iPhone, iPad, iPod

- Watch or listen to the latest episode
- Watch or listen to previous episodes
- Read the lesson outlines
- Listen while using other apps on your device


Technical issues make it 3 instead of 5 stars

The purpose of this app is to spread the Message to the world via an app. While present truth is an important aspect of the rating, the wonderful discuss allows for open bible discussion of present truth that can rule out bias. However, many of us can only listen in increments, hence listening to MP3 instead of videos. And in some areas, the internet access is so poor, they may not be able to consistently stream the full program. For that reason, the lack of ability to fast forward to where I left off, or the app’s lack of ability to keep track of where I was, I will rate it a 3. I will also continue to listen primarily to Come and Reason Ministries and Pineknoll for my sabbath school lesson, as both are able to remember where I left and search if I want to go back and listen to a specific part.

Gr8 App
Kcod ?

Pure blessing and just love the detail lesson review.

Great Study Hour

I love the Hope Sabbath School interaction between students. It helps me to better understand the lessons. Don't stop the scripture songs too, really help with scripture memorization.

Not working with 9.0.2 update

I love this app and have been using it for quite a while now. I really enjoy the interactive Bible study. However ever since I received my new iPhone 6S, this app quits out on start up. Guess I'll have to go to the website for now.


I used this app in 2015Q1 and liked it, when Q2 came the app would not update the lessons with the new ones. Today I gave it a try again hoping that the developers have become more diligent and skillful - after I downloaded the app it wouldn't even start, after 2-3 seconds of trying to come up, the app crashes. Very disappointed.

Hope SS

This is a great app for viewing and sharing the word of God. As of today the app just crashes on both the iPad Air 2 and iPhones 6. We are using iOS 9.0.2. Please fix.

Terrible app
Gma Lamb

At first the app you work, but now the app won't load on my iPhone 4s

HSS App not working

Now that you know their is an issue, please let us know if there is a fix. I missed week one and have not been able to watch and study. I could not find it on the website either.

Sabbath school app
Joyce A

I am not able to watch Hope Sabbath School on my iPad. Please fix. October 16, 2015 Joyce Ellis

Great words of Encouragement!

Thank the Lord for Hope Sabbath School, especially this quarter. I am enjoying the discussion on Job and the lessons that God is trying to teach all of us. I really like how the group works together to flesh out various concepts through Bible texts and life experiences. It aids in a person's understanding. Thank you and God bless your ministry.

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