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History:Maps of World

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Education Free Seungbin Cho iPhone, iPad, iPod

"Explore the world through interactive maps illustrating geopolitical and geographic shifts over time. Users peruse the various cartographies and read up on the historical (or, as the case may be, scientific) significance of each major change through text and ”in the future” other media." - Edudemic, The 16 Apps And Tools Worth Trying This Year

"History and geography (duh) collide on this very popular resource, which provides access to maps past and present so users can watch how borders and projections shift over time." - Edudemic, 50 Must-Download Apps For Lifelong Learners

"History:Maps of the world should be used by every history teacher. This just has so much information on it, and could help elementary all the way up to college students. If I was a history teacher, I would definitely love to have this, because it saves me the time to find all the maps needed for he curriculum." - ArjanL774's App Reviews

"History:Maps of World" is the best way to see and learn historical geography.

If you are interested in history and geography (history teacher, student or amateur history researcher), check it out to keep with your history and learn something about history.

• Provide 178 historical maps around the world
• Grouping by category or era
• Keyword search
• Display the source about each map


Saying no to the iAds
Jimmy O'

Going to delete because of the iAds.

Was good

This WAS a good app. Description of latest update says it's adding an ad banner. Screw that! Deleted without even bothering with the update. Bad move. Not good policy to make a useful app undesirable.

Ads unacceptable for an app like this.

I too will not use this with ads, and unfortunately for the developer it's not worth 99 cents either as it is right now. As much as I love old maps, there's just not a lot here to make it a compelling app.

Skip it

It's now nothing more than a pathetic platform for trying to make money off of iAd. Go with something like the National Geographic one that, while is 0.99, does not force so many adds on the screen.

Was good, now deleting
Wyoming person

The ad banner now makes this app unusable. Too bad, but it's not like these maps are the developer's creation. The developer slapped ads on public domain material. Pathetic. Goodbye app.

Overwhelming Ads

Overwhelming Ads ruin this app....deleted.

Ads ruin app

Dev added iAds. Ruined app after I bought it. Deleted changed rating to one star. Feel cheated.

Wasted Time and $

I am sure I have wasted money on a more a more disappointing product but I can't remember when. What a joke.

Please remove ads

I'd rather spend $0.99 for this than deal with iAds. It's an interesting app that's been diminished by the inclusion of ads. If you already have the app, don't upgrade past 3.0 and you can continue to enjoy a fairly interesting app without being bombarded with annoying ads.

Not a worth while app.

Keeps adding ads.

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