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HIGURASHI When They Cry(Ep3)

From the immensely popular sound novel "HIGURASHI When They Cry" comes Episode 3 "Tatarigoroshi-hen" now available.
Category Price Seller Device
Book $6.99 SEAMS.Inc iPhone, iPad, iPod

Announcing the release of the enthralling serial murder novel "HIGURASHI When They Cry" for the iPhone/iPodTouch/iPad!

Be challenged by an intricate mystery of inexplicable deaths in "HIGURASHI When They Cry".
Starting from a coterie of animation, comics and various media it has experience growing popularity throughout North America, Europe, Asia and the rest of the globe in addition to Japan.

The development/creation of this version of "HIGURASHI When They Cry" was approved by 07th Expansion.

* iPhone benefits

Optimized for the iPhone display.
Character size and layout can be fine tuned for the ultimate game experience.

System menu operations available through flick operation, also featuring auto-mode and journal browsing of your history.

Pause/game resumption
Quick pausing in the middle of game play is possible with instant resumption from the stop of play location.

Universal Application.(High resolation font.)

Please enjoy the experience of the village of Hinamizawa in 1983 through this new iPhone application!

* Story

The village of Hinamizawa serial murder incident

Every year on the same day in June, someone died and there was a mysterious disappearance.
This death is intertwined in the conflict surrounding a gigantic dam project.
The resurrection of a mysterious case hidden during the Showa era.

Conspiracy, chance, or a curse...

All the mystery of this horrific serial murder novel "HIGURASHI When They Cry" will lure you into an evening of harrowing tragedy

An unavoidable tragedy. Do not yield. Do not be daunted. You cannot resist.

Without a choice, you yourself must seek the truth in this sound novel.
To fear. To devote. To fight.
Only 1% is successful.
The enjoyment is up to you!

* Contents

Download and enjoy the first episode "Tatarigoroshi-hen".

This application "HIGURASHI When They Cry" is a English language application.

Development in other languages underway

Use this opportunity to purchase our product!


First Review

Excellent! I even noticed a couple of granary fixes from the PC edition! Well done, keep 'em coming. Can't wait for Kai... Which makes me ask: Will you be doing Rei?

Thanks so much but

I really appreciate you guys doing this but why does it have to be so expensive? I'm fine if it's like $2 or something but the other one was like $5. Thanks for bringing this one down but still...

I don't think people realize your generosity.
Space flower

After all, the pc releases are much, much costlier.


Another great arc; a few spelling errors, but its still awesome :) I was just wondering if you guys could put up a date when the next arc will be released, that would be helpful :)

Amazing just like always, but. . .

The fact that there are untranslated sentences bothers me, because it kind ruins the flow. The untranslated sentences remain in Japanese. But. Overall, Higurashi has kept at the very top of my Anime's, and overall I love higurashi. I'm pretty much an addict to this story and finding out about the visual novels made me very happy. Please fix the errors! <3

Untranslated sections interrupts the flow.
Turtle luv

I'm a bit hesitant to give 3 stars when several sections are still in Japanese. However, I will give a better review once this is fixed. However, the story and simple controls are very much appreciated.

Higurashi 3

I didn't like this arc in the anime, but this was my favorite arc so far now that I've read the original! The novel does a much better job at conveying feelings. Buy it!

Plz Fix this

Some sections still in Japanese.

Love it!

This chapter always confused me, but the story feels a lot more complete u know? I loved it, but there were some parts still in Japanese.

Thanks for the censor!
NoLegs (1CrazyFoxx1)

The fact that satoko is nude in the pc version on the bridge makes this one better for kids... Then again kids really do not need to be reading these XD

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