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Help me witch!

This is a story about Majo-chan the witch, who comes to the aid of the residents of a town who are being troubled by mischievious creatures. You can use magic by touching a variety of things on screen. Try to find things that move and make sounds. Using magic that sparkles, let's go with Majo-chan to help the townspeople! You too can enter a world of magic!
Category Price Seller Device
Education Free Joshibi University of Art and Design iPhone, iPad, iPod


This children's app were produced in a class titled "Project & Collaboration Seminar", held for students of the Department of Cross-Disciplinary Art and Design (Field of Media Art and Design) at Joshibi University of Art and Design in Tokyo, Japan. The students were entirely responsible for the planning, storywriting, illustration, animation and authoring of their apps over a six-week period. Children were invited to try out the finished programs, after which successive modifications were made.


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