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Harbour Breeze Catering

Harbour Breeze Catering is excited to offer our mobile app as a tool for the school communities we cater to. Our goal is to enhance the service and experience we provide by making the school lunch process easy and convenient.
Category Price Seller Device
Food & Drink Free Halder Group Inc. iPhone, iPad, iPod

Download the Harbour Breeze Catering app to have quick, anytime access to frequently used information such as the school menu and the weekly menu cycle calendar. And, we’re making the pre-order process simple and convenient with in-app ordering! We’ve included detailed ordering instructions in the Info tab to ensure a smooth in-app ordering process. Stay tuned for promotions, and be sure to enable notifications for the school(s) you’re involved with to receive important messages straight to your phone – instantly.

We look forward to serving you!


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