Ham Radio Exam - Tech Reviews – Page 6

5/5 rating based on 69 reviews. Read all reviews for Ham Radio Exam - Tech for iPhone.
Ham Radio Exam - Tech is free iOS app published by Roy Watson

Great study app!!


I just passed my Tech Exam on the first try with this study app. Test questions were exactly as in this app. I felt extremely prepared for this exam. Now it's on to the General Exam!

All you need!


Easily passed my technician test after studying using this app!

Helped me to receive my ticket!


This is a simple yet very effective app. Thanks to this app, and a couple YouTube videos, I was able to receive my ticket. Thanks!!

Great App


I used it to study a couple of hours a day for the last week. Passed my Technical License Exam this morning.



I'm studying for my exam and the practice tests in this app are the exact questions in the Ham Radio License Manual valid through 2018. Thank you for making it so much easier to study for the exam. I hope I pass. UPDATE: definitely 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️s. deserves more. Couple of weeks before my targeted test date, I would take 3-5 practice exams per day. This app provides a realistic representation of the actual exam. It's a well structured study tool. Made taking the test fun and easy. Thank you! Will be back for the General.

Really Awesome App


The best ham study guide I've seen. Was able to get 100% ready for my tech exam in a week. Well done. Thank you!

Makes studying easy!


I downloaded this today in preparation for taking my technician exam tonight, and wish I would have a month ago. It's so much faster to take an exam than the ARRL site, and it's a lot easier to see what you got wrong so you don't repeat your mistakes. I only used it 3-4 times, but it looks like there's even a way to see what sections you tend to do poorly on, which would be great for studying. I took my exam and got 34/35, so I'll see you once the FCC issues me a call sign!

Perfectly simple! And FREE!


I used this version and the General version to help get ready for my exam. Studied for 2 weeks and passed both! Thank you!!

Excellent way to study


I studied this for a couple of days and passed my tech exam on the first try. Excellent app. Would highly recommend it.

Ruined By last update 11/29/17


I've been studying to take my technician exam in a few weeks and have enjoyed using this app as a study aid. Latest update claimed to fix a bug with diagrams in lesson 2. Turned out to be a major overhaul with extremely distracting banner ads at the bottom with no way to turn them off. I'd be willing to pay a buck or two not to be distracted when trying to study serious materials. Shame on this APP developer trying to cash in big and wrecking a great app. Maybe I'll just run a piece of duct tape across the bottom of my iPad a hold my nose for the next 14 days. You stink!!