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Download HacoGolf Plus Lite

HacoGolf Plus Lite

HacoGolf Plus Lite is a puzzle-like golf game that is quick to play.
Category Price Seller Device
Games Free bitstep Co.,Ltd. iPhone, iPad, iPod

The new gimmicks and the characters are added to previous HacoGolf.

The "cube" ball is ...
baffled by the pinwheels and the bumpers,
attacked by bombs and missiles,
interrupted by bees.
However, it single-mindedly aim for the cup.
This game is simple. But you will be able to have a pleasant experience.

The feature of HacoGolf, you can destroy golf course so that you may become advantageous.

Try to sink your shot in as few strokes as possible -- and try to clear all holes.

- Wait until the ball is at rest and then shake the iPhone/iPod touch to give up.

You may watch the video on YouTube.

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