Grammar Pop HD Reviews

5/5 rating based on 34 reviews. Read all reviews for Grammar Pop HD for iPhone.
Grammar Pop HD is paid iOS app published by HPHLP



I have been a fan of Grammar Girl for as long as I can remember. I currently own every book written on behalf of Grammar Girl and now own the first App! I'm 45 years in age, PhD in Business, upper level management for a Fortune 500 company, and am continuously seeking opportunities to improve my writing skills. My point, no matter who you are, how old your are or how well educated you are, we can always strive to better ourselves and help those around us. This App is a brilliant tool designed for our extraordinary children from Junior High and High School to College Students, and all adults alike. Like many people, I took English in Junior High and High School for granted. I can still hear the words of my mom, "if you don't apply yourself now, a time will come when you'll regret today's choices and the regret will last a lifetime." She obviously had no clue of what she was saying...right? I successfully avoided English Literature in my first year of college but come the second year, a prerequisite to a required course brought about much anxiety and fear knowing everything my mom said was true. The instructor was incredible, I developed a new understanding and appreciation for English Literature. Years later, the true payoff was when I was able to help my High School age children with their homework. It's truly embarrassing when your child asks for help but their homework is too advanced for you so instead of helping your child, you make up some lame excuse to save face. Sadly, you just missed a great moment with your child. What Grammar Girl has done for so many adults is a true blessing! Many of my promotions throughout my career were directly associated with improved grammar, well written literature, and recognition for the changes I implemented when employees engage in professional communication, formal or informal. However, the best payoff from reading the Grammar Girl's books, listening to her podcast and purchasing this App, comes from being a better example to my children. Thank you Grammar Girl!!!

Wonderful App


This is what I've been looking for in a grammar app. The app is fast, fun, and is challenging as you move through the levels. I can't wait to sit with my grandson and let him use this app to help him develop his grammar skills.

Best grammar app!


Can't get enough of this app. Modern, hip, and user friendly, Grammar Pop takes the user through 28 levels! My students today loved using the app to practice parts of speech. Thank you for creating this, Grammar Girl! A must buy and a great deal for just 2 dollars.

So clever!


This app is so cool and fun to play! I love the graphics and sounds. I just bought it last night for my iPad mini and I can't get enough of it. Who knew learning could be so much fun?

Game has an annoying feature. Sorry I purchased it since the sound effects can not be turned off.


All the better App games permit you to turn the sound effects on or off. This game does not. When playing, you are forced to deal with a constant noise that sounds like water bubbling loudly (it also sounds a little like a muffled snare drum playing). That annoying sound only goes away (briefly) when you win at identifying a word, and then you must listen to a triangle-like computerized carnival sound. And if that were not enough, there is an actual voice speaking at various times (spurring you on etc). All the sounds are invasive and make you realize that the creators have a dictatorial approach. You WILL play the game the way they want - no preferences are offered to you to customize the game, i.e., you may not turn off the sounds. Quiet, peace-loving souls of silence - Beware!!

Don't let one grump ruin the app's average rating!

Mykol Jr

The fact that one person who doesn't like the app's SOUNDS, for goodness sake, has lowered everyone else's 5's to an average of 4 by giving a ridiculous rating of 1, is sad and silly. Hey Grammar Pop enthusiasts, let's do our duty. I've raised the rating to a 4.2. If you love the app, let your voice be heard. Write a review and give Grammar Pop a 5-star rating. We can quickly get the average close to the 5 average it deserves!

Kids Tested...Kids APPROVED!!!


My nine year twin daughters tried this game and said, "This game made learning fun. I liked the noises -- especially when I got it right!" They planned for an hour before they even let me try. They liked the progressive levels and earning coins. We will be adding this to our daily home practice. I just wish they could use the earned coins to buy things like backgrounds or even real book! They would just love that. This is a must buy for every parent who wants there kids to excel.



I love it, my daughter loves it, and you'll love it, too.



I absolutely LOVE this game! My 6th graders have not learned their parts of speech very well. It just has not been taught like when I was a child. This game is amazing, and TONS of fun. I've had a great time playing it. It's addicting!

Grammer Pop


I love this game! I'm a retired teacher with a strong background in English. Figured I knew everything...well, most everything about parts of speech. However, having grammar put into this context changes my mind set. Brings back the days when my English teachers had the students diagram sentences. I was probably one of the few that enjoyed diagramming. Let's do that next! Thanks for your time and knowledge in putting this game together and sharing with us.