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Download Gigu!


Gigu! is a simple and fun puzzle game.Your goal is to move 5 or more gigus together,then you can score up.Every time you move a gigu, the new gigus will be randomly be added.Therefore, in addition to observation, you may need a little luck.
Category Price Seller Device
Games Free LiJun Hong iPhone, iPad, iPod


Buttoney with string

harder than it looks !

almost awesome
Bananas & Strawberries

Would be more fun if you could also make 3 & 4 block combos as well॰॰॰ kinda hard always having to make a 5 block combo :/ meh


Not great, and having to connect the 5 in a line and being unable do it in any other pattern is annoying. Plus, there's no option to turn off the music.


love it,can't stop playing。thanks

No ad-free version available!

As five-in-a-row games go, this one's okay - certainly not "funny", as someone else suggested (I haven't laughed once playing it!), just ok. But I draw the line at not having an ad-free version available. What in thd world can the point be? I'm just going to delete the app, not click on ads.