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Gift Lee

Whenever you see something you like to buy it, or even receive as a gift, don’t wait, just take a picture of it, save it in your favorite list. Your loved ones can see what you like to be gifted.
Gift Lee app helps you save the things you like to have, you can save them in your favorite list, and keep them for your future reference, or you can later suggest them to your friends, in order for them to know what you like.
Category Price Seller Device
Shopping Free EXCEED CREATIVITY iPhone, iPad, iPod

If you are shopping for something, and you need an advice to help you make your mind about what you like to buy, you can ask your friends for advice, they can help you choosing what to buy anyway, anytime.

You can also invite your friends your parties, you will know how many have accepted the invitation, and what kind of gifts you are expecting.

Help them to make you happy.

App features:
Organize your wish list.
Help your friends what kind of gifts you like.
Ask for advice in shopping.
Organize your party and friends invitations.
Let your followers and fans knows what are the best options to buy as gifts.


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