Galaxy on Fire 2™ HD Reviews – Page 25

5/5 rating based on 312 reviews. Read all reviews for Galaxy on Fire 2™ HD for iPhone.
Galaxy on Fire 2™ HD is free iOS app published by FISHLABS

More Levels...


Could you guys make the story continue.

Repetitive, buggy, great graphics

Tom Steele

You start off with what looks like a fun game. But there is nothing new, ever. You get the peak accessories very early. The best ships take a long time to earn but it is the same thing over and over. Fly from system to system, planet to planet. Visit similar looking space stations at each planet and go to the hangar and buy and sell stuff. Go to the bar and take or (more often) don’t take missions. The same boring missions. No surprises. Never do you enter a system and interact with other pilots. Never are there catastrophes or neat things to change it up. Graphics are awesome, controls not bad. Fun for a bit. Disappointed in the repetition. Oh yeah, the reason I came here. BUGS, BUGS, and more BUGS...

1 word


I have one word for this game AMAZING


Mike rocherts

The world NEEDS more games like this!!! Not very much games has a storyline like this. Even better, the whole freelance aspect gives the player freedom to give the story a break. Apart from the occasional Clash Royal game, this has been the only game I’ve played sense I got it. It’s gotten to the point where, without paying for anything, I’ve gotten one of the most expensive ships in the game, “the veteran”, and three disruptor lasers coupled with a crimson drain (leeching the power from enemy ships to charge my shields). I did this by mass producing my blueprints and selling them.There isn’t much else I can do as far as freelance that’s worth my time, and not very much items that I can buy to improve my ship. If they added more items to fuel my Kardor Drive tycoon rage, than I wouldn’t be write it this review (I would actually be playing the game.) The only problem I see with the game is that galaxy on fire 3 lacks the freelance aspect, restricting you to the storyline.

Above and beyond


This is one of the best mobile games I have ever played. It is so many things including a game with a huge open world, interesting characters, a deep rpg system, an awesome story (with in app purchase dlcs that actually seem fair priced), so many spaceships to choose from and I could go on for hours. The only reason I could have seen someone not buying this was the price but now that it's free there is no excuse for not getting this immediately like seriously just go and buy it right now I'll wait...

Amazing with one problem...


This would be my favorite game of all time if every 5-10 min it didn’t kick me out and restart me. I hit resume and I’m restarted. Great game. JUST FIX THIS BUG!!!!!!FIX IT!!!!! It’s starting to really tick me off!

Great Game


One of my favorite games of all time, remarkable considering it’s on mobile as well. To start, the story. The story is interesting as we follow a man character who was lost in space and we learn what happens as the story progresses. There are many characters you encounter. Not spoiling anything, the ending is actually really awesome. But the game doesn’t end there. If you want to stay immersed in the game you can do side missions to earn money from just hunting down a pirate captain or protecting some mining ships. Everything you do in the game has an impact on how it’s played. There 4 types of aliens. The Vossks are at war with the Terrans, and the other two who’s names evade me are at war with eachother. If you do more missions for, say, the terrans the vossks get mad and eventually attack you on sight (you can see where you stand on a bar). You can also get missions to clear out a pirate nest making a system safer, and if you really grind away, you can get enough credits to purchase your own space station (base). This has to be the most tirelessly created game with an infinite number of randomly generated missions. I would recommend to anybody no matter your game interest.

Great game, was a favorite - now littered with ads


This game was great, I played it all the way through a couple years ago. I re-downloaded to play it again today, only to be incessantly bombarded with in game full screen advertising. To the point where I won’t play it anymore. Why would I buy a game, just to constantly have to click out of full screen ads. The experience is ruined. Greed.

iCloud carry-over does NOT work why you try to load data to a new devices

Grimm Wits (Youtube)

This issue with Fishlab’s game is aggravating and very irritating. This issue would then force the player to start all over, especially irritating in the sense if you bought all of the dlc and complete omg all of the dlc campaign as well as the original campaign (which I did). I recommend that you do not buy this game unless you want to end up wanting to kill this game because the iCloud recovery is pure garbage and you can recover your data over devices. Also, that graphics are not great, but you could or can get used to them, so that’s a plus (the indie graphics are the only reason they got a star)



Incredible open world game!