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Football News & Live Scores

Love football? Discover the best way to be up-to-date every day with all the news, results and live scores about European teams for free!
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Sports Free AppChocolate Ltd. iPhone, iPad, iPod

Euro Football brings you:
1. All the news up-to-date about the Champions League, the Seria A, La Liga, the Bundesliga, Ligue 1, the qualification matches for EURO 2012 and more;
2. Access all the live results with;
3. And the best of all is that you get all the news in different languages, from the best official websites.


Perfect to follow football matches in Europe

Fast to use and very useful. Perfect to follow the Champions league and the European leagues accross Europe.

Perfect to follow football matches in Europe

Fast to use and very useful. Perfect to follow the Euro 2016 and the european leagues.

Really simple to use

This is very handy for following European soccer after the World Cup. Can't say I know much about it, but I'm learning! I like the design - really straightforward, with clear graphics. Good one.

Solid app

Solid app. Freezes sometimes during live updates. If fixed then 5 stars.

Nice app

As nice as the World Cup one.

Great app

It would be nice if it had highlights videos and the news are great you can catch all teams around Europe

Algo parecido a esto no lo hay

Excelente app para estar informado de todo el fútbol mundial

Pretty good
Night heron

Could use more news. More depth to the coverage. Good app all in all.

Almost there

Needs to be more in depth and precise. Some pieces of news are repeated. Having videos if games already played would be exciting like the Euro 2012 qualifiers!!!

Great app""
edu 1981

This is the best App x who lov soccer



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