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Far from Noise

You are balanced on the edge of a cliff in an old rusting car.
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Games $2.99 George Batchelor Limited iPhone, iPad, iPod

The sun is setting behind the horizon and night will soon fall. With no immediate means of escape, perhaps all that's left is to attempt to feel some connection with the world at the end of it all.

Far from Noise is a story told through dialogue choices. As day fades to night, experience quiet moments of interaction with a variety of creatures and witness the transformative forces of nature as they happen around you. Through conversation with a welcome companion, begin to discover your reasons for being out there, your relationship with the world, life and death, and if you'll see tomorrow.


- A dynamic, naturally flowing conversation
- Multiple endings driven by choices that shape the narrative
- An original musical score by Geoff Lentin that flows with the story
- A rich landscape that shifts and fades as time progresses
- Narrative events that change with multiple playthroughs


Short but sweet.
Jamez McKinney

What an experience. This game (if you can even call it that), is an experience that forces you to think about life. It makes you connect your emotions to the characters it introduces to you, and when it’s over you’re left thinking. I wish it was longer, but Far From Noise will always hold a sentimental place in my heart.

Played for 20 minutes

It's really pretty, and the sound is awesome... but the story is painfully slow. 20 minutes in and I'm just wondering what button I have to push to toss the car in the water. No character has been developed, no plot moved forward.

Simply beautiful.. Overwhelmed with emotions.

This game is a work of art. It fills you with tons of emotions.. And makes you wonder what life REALLY is! The story is priceless, the conversations are poetic, and when it all ends, you feel sad that it's over. I couldn't put down my iPad for an hour! I still feel dazzled over it all. I honestly don't know if I should be happy.. or sad! Anyways.. I should stop writing down a bunch of junk and just say, this game is great and I HIGHLY recommend you play it ?

A beautiful experience
Vegetarian chick2

This type of game might not be for everyone, but for people that appreciate the real thought beauty and time put in to this game its incredible. I will never forget the message i got from this game, if you dont mind a more slow paced experience that has you more of a spectator i would by all means recommend this game. I would love to see more stuff like this in the future

A bug to ruin the game.

First and foremost, this is a promising experience (You’d be hard-pressed to call this a game) - but a couple of fundamental issues exist that prevent me from enjoying the narrative. These are as follows: 1) On my iPhone SE, playing for any length of time makes my phone REALLY hot, for a game that demands time and patience to experience, this is a bit of a deal breaker. Turning on low graphics in the options menu helps this slightly. 2) In the scene with the frog and the turtle, I can tell (from the dialogue) that the turtle is supposed to take the frog on a taxi ride; however in my version the pair just sit statically, doing nothing, while the dialogue ticks on. Hmm. At point “2” I turned the game off since I then couldn’t be sure if I was missing anything or not. A shame, because this entirely ruined the pace and experience of the journey. I would definitely want to finish the game, but with some animations or sequences clearly not working - I can’t see the reason to bother. In conclusion, this is a beautiful and novel (no pun intended) idea, but one that needs to work smoothly to be articulated properly - which was not the case for me. In such a carefully executed app, any break in the narrative utterly damages the experience. It’s a shame, because I am at a point in my life not unlike the woman in the game, on a precipice between life and death. I was hoping this game would provide some context, or comfort - but it was unable to.

My Life Is A Lie
Mr. Flamezesz

The whole experience dismantles and then rebuilds your entire view of life. At a point in life where I care about nothing, it taught me that "nothing" is everything. Sick game.

Love, so beautiful

This game is making me tear up as I write this. I love this game and I highly recommend this. I love it.

Philosophical and heart wrenching

I absolutely recommend this... I hesitate to even call it a game. The scenery and dialogue is incredible. The meaning of life and living in solitude is explored. It covers so many ideas be it existentialism or transcendentalism. I hope if I’m ever on tightrope I could have that sort of content and thought.

Feline Muse

Tries a bit too hard to be profound but misses the mark about 60% of the time. Not a bad game. Not worth the 30 mins it takes to play nor worth starting again to see a different outcome if there is one. They may be onto something and a longer but more interactive or involved game would help a lot.


A meditative and philosophical delight.

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