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I have found toric IOLs invaluable for managing astigmatism for my cataract patients. The online calculators are great, but do require you to be in front of a computer to choose the lens and don’t easily allow you to try different wound locations or astigmatic combinations.
Category Price Seller Device
Medical Free Steve Colley iPhone, iPad, iPod

EyeToric allows you to dynamically change the wound position to see the effect on lens power and placement.
For anyone who has worked at a hospital where not all toric powers are routinely stocked, occasionally the lens you want is not available, or you have enlarged the main wound and need to compensate for greater astigmatism – EyeToric has this covered. It is possible to change the predicted lens power and axis placement and see the effects this has on postop astigmatism.
If you get an unexpected postop result you are able to determine if this is due to unexpected lens positioning or inaccurate preop Ks – useful in planning further surgery.
I think the application is quite intuitive, particularly if you have used the online calculator. Feedback is welcome.


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