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European Standard IQ Test

What is an IQ?
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An Intelligence Quotient indicates a person's mental abilities relative to others of approximately the same age. Everyone has hundreds of specific mental abilities--some can be measured accurately and are reliable predictors of academic and financial success.

The "European Standard IQ Test" is the scientifically valid IQ test. It's supposed to be most accurate in the 140 to 160 range (Cattel scale - stdev 24). Previously offered only to corporations, schools, and in certified professional applications, it is now available to you . In addition to measuring your general IQ, our exclusive test assesses your performance in 6 different areas of intelligence, revealing your key cognizant strengths and weaknesses.


You have 20 minutes to take the test. A countdown timer should display in the navigation bar. You will obtain a score until 174 points. Each incorrect answer discounts points. It is good for 100 and over.


Because the questions within each section get progressively more difficult, you might want to skip to the next section if the questions in the current section start taking too long, and then come back to finish them later if you have enough time left.

Are you ready? Begin!


European I Q test
Tom's US Bank

Great test.... I did pretty well 139.... I’m a Dr!!raise downloads by 10 times
Gelisa Kepe

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Errors in scoring

In 3 instances, the program scored my answers as „wrong”, while they were correct, according to Tips. I repeated the test, and again, 3 answers were improperly shown as wrong.



Answers are wrong

They explain the answers at the end, but don’t give the correct answer... and it was clear on many that I had chosen correctly but was marked wrong...

Brain enhancement

Lots of fun, but I didn’t do well on the vocabulary questions.

Waste of time

I had my IQ officially tested and I scored a 114 but this test scored me a 133 so it isn’t very accurate. And at the end the test it marked all the answers wrong despite me having gotten the correct answer on at least some of them. And also this is a test stolen from the Mensa website that was never intended to calculate IQ because by its own admission the test is culturally biased.

I q test
long silver away

It very good it grades you


Score: 112

My score: 143

5 star to that....

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