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Download EPIC FAIL for iPhone, iPod and iPad

EPIC FAIL for iPhone, iPod and iPad

Find all the best FAIL pics in one, simple app. New and hilarious fail pictures are uploaded every day. Download Epic Fail for FREE.
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Lifestyle Free Explicit Apps iPhone, iPad, iPod

*** See why other users love Epic Fail ***
"This app should come automatically with smart phones. Great app for laughs. Nothing funnier than people failing!"
"Great app for a daily dose of humor. Very easy to share the funny ones via email or Facebook."
"Simple, hilarious goofy pictures. Always look forward to the new pictures."

• 40,000+ pictures; more added daily
• Comment, rate, and favorite pics
• Download and share to Facebook, Twitter, and more
• Sort pics by recent, popular, and random
• Search pics by tags or uploader
• Caption and submit your own Epic Fail pics!

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No workie

App hasn’t been updated in years so it doesn’t work with current iOS versions. Bummer. Fail.

app ok. comments tiresome

I've been using this app for a few years now with no technical problems. The reposts are not as frequent as some people are going on about. I do wish there were more photos and fewer gifs -- as there had been in the past. My primary complaint is with the users' comments section. It has become a political message board for a handful of users -- complete with a clever troll flaming them on. I try to avoid looking at them but if the image is small, there they are in all their pathetic glory, "Obama bad. Liberals bad" ... kind of hard to miss. All political affiliations aside, these comments are grossly misplaced and tiresome. I'm certain there is another app more appropriate for voicing political opinions. Developer, if you are reading this, a simple comments on/off toggle switch would be great. The Fox News editorial comments are only funny for so long.

Pop ups

This app is currently unusable as clicking on any image opens up a pop-up that brings you to the App Store, and going back into the app just opens the App Store again. You have to close the app using the home button.


I used to use this app quite frequently. As of late however it has become the bane of my existence. WHY MUST YOU KEEP OPENING APP STORE A THOUSAND TIMES?!?!? I have deleted and will no longer support.

I've had it with this (cr)APP

This app used to be fun. I've learned to ignore the posts from al the trolls, racists, "repost" police and over all ignorant off topic ranters. I just pass by the non fail pics and random postings of animals just being normal. But I've had enough of every other thing I click engaging a pop up add and launching the App Store against my will. I close it out and have to relaunch the app only to have it do it again and again until the app freezes or crashes. Why does Apple allow this virus like activity from app developers. I will launch my App Store when I want it launched. Come on Apple. Is it just me or does this seem like a serious potential security issue? This is ridiculous.

Complete EPIC FAIL...

This app is now an EPIC FAIL. You get spammed with ads and it is no longer any fun to use as you get hit with an ad every time you tap on anything. Update: now you at brought to the App Store to download random app without even clicking on anything. PLEASE FIX THIS APP!!!!

More ads than Fails

There are more ads in this app than there are fails. Also, they agree to add that open the App Store automatically, without your permission, and you are not able to use the poorly coded app until you go into multitasking and close the app.


App forces AppStore to open to apps I can only assume they are paid to push. This renders this app useless since it will only directly you else where

Stupid advertising

I HATE THIS APP. Content is funny, but the app's advertising is out of control! It will send you to the App Store over and over for other stupid apps before you can look at anything on the app. I hate when any app allows this to happen

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