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Knock off your enemies with blitz!
Category Price Seller Device
Games Free Yuichi Higuchi iPhone, iPad, iPod

Clean up a swarm of bastards!

It’s easy to play.
Keep on touching to store power and release for firing.
You can change the direction of firing by touching or dragging when firing.
The more power you store, the longer you can fire. Keep it up!

It is compatible with OpenFeint.
Keep fighting and unlock achievements!

Tapping many times at title to open the secret mode!
Speed up and more thrill!



This games fun but uh i think its about this girl having powers an thos people took her sister away and the girl without powers cant cook but her sister can wich is why she trys to save her anyways thats what i think

For anyone else wondering...

You unlock a new weapon every 10 times that you die. Make sure you do this first so you can enjoy more of the game!

I don't get it strange

The game play is weird n hard retro graphics r over rated story makes no sense n I can't figure out how to unlock nething weapons at all bad English as well I cant cook so i must save sister 5times a day every day I guess I have the super powers that's no so super n she can cook or something n my appetite is made large by my power below average game that makes no sense and gets boring fast

One small problem

It's hard to play since you have to cover the character in order to move. iCade support or at least a button control scheme would work wonders for this game. The translation needs work too.


Cool take on Berserk/Robotron with an 8-bit look. I can't get past level 14.

Lots of fun but....
Lost Glory

The controls annoy me because my finger is always covering the little girl. Maybe enable landscape mode and 2 analog sticks one for moving and one for shooting and this game could be amazing.


Cute character! (Miku & misaka mikoto ?) Anyway, amazing short-game experience! There is one flaw that the first 50 levels are almost the same, although I don't know how many levels there are.


I'm surprised this is free; it's one of the better games I've played.

Weird in a good way

Very addictive once you master the controls. Getting giant combos rocks. Very surprised this free, it's the only free game good enough to sit on my fav games screen. The story is weird (so what?) and getting power ups is unpredictable (seems to happen when you die). Reminds me of some of the llamasoft games but with cuter graphics. Rockin!