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Drone DJI Support

This app has many options:
Category Price Seller Device
Utilities Free Mohamad Hussein Al Toufaily iPhone, iPad, iPod

1-Drone book: Here you can introduce yourself as a drone pilot and let others contact you in order to hire you or share their experience with you. It is an easy platform to communicate with other pilots all over the world.

2- Online support : you can contact our professional team of maintenance, describe your problem within a live chat with attachments and get instant replies and DIY fixes.

3-Interference zones: this option points out interference frequency zones around you such as 4g mobile towers and gives a detailed forecast and weather conditions in your region.

4-UAV regulations: whether you're a new drone pilot or have years of experience, rules and safety tips exist to help you fly safely in the national airspace, we gathered for you most of important countries regulations and we make sure to upgrade them annually.


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