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Dr. Moku's Hiragana Mnemonics

Learn to read and write Japanese Hiragana in less than one hour! Read the reviews right here. It works.
Category Price Seller Device
Education $3.99 Bob Byrne iPhone, iPad, iPod

Use mnemonic memory tricks to learn Hiragana. You will be reading basic Japanese in just a few seconds.

Perfect for the complete beginner, young or old, this is the foolproof and definite way to master the first essential step in learning Japanese.


● Complete mnemonic system for learning Hiragana.

● NEW! Offline Audio Phrasebook. We have included Japanese words and phrases!

● NEW! Animated Stroke Orders so you can learn how to write Hiragana.

● NEW! Now includes quiz types and options which include Dakuten, Handakuten and Yoon; modified Hiragana.

● Audio clips to help pronunciation.

● 2 different Learning modes: Manual (allows you to learn at your own speed) and Autoplay (Each screen and audio clip play in sequence)

● 3 different Quiz Modes: Easy, Hard and Master.

● Quick Reference allows you to jump instantly to the screens you want to revise.

● Video demo and Introductory guide to learning Japanese, with pictorial examples and everything you need to know about learning basic and modified Hiragana.

Mnemonics are memory tricks that use humor or a memorable personal connection to help you fix and break associations so your brain has no choice but to remember.

“I came across Dr. Moku's Hiragana Mnemonics. Thirty minutes later I had memorized all hiragana. - Mark Frauenfelder founder of BoingBoing.net

Each screen presents a Hiragana character along with a mnemonic clue and audio clip. Read the clue, listen to the clip and move on to the next one. The alternating bold colors will 'reset' your brain so you start fresh with each symbol, allowing you to learn auto-magically.
Please note: you will need a basic understanding of English to use this app.

Learning Japanese may seem like an impossible task but with Dr. Moku you will be amazed at your ability to learn and recall.

The Japanese written language is comprised of three writing systems: Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji. New students must learn Hiragana and Katakana (both are referred to as "kana") first and this process usually takes between a week and month. With the Dr. Moku system we have seen students learn all Hiragana and Katakana in less than one hour!

Psst! We are releasing our long awaited Kanji app early 2017!


Good App Overall

Helped me learn Hiragana and master it quickly. Add Dakuten into the lesson though. That is my recommendation.


I’m in a fast pass Japanese class and had to learn everything in 2 weeks. Sounds insane because it is. This app is amazing with helping ways to remember it. I’m not sure why this isn’t more known for Japanese students. Worth every penny.

Some glitches on quizzes

This app has pronunciation glitches. When doing quizzes, the pronunciations sometimes are totally off and don’t match the words. Other than that, I like the visual memorizations.

Great app.

What a great learning system. I learned Hiragana in 15 hours. I ended up downloading a free quiz app and bounced back and forth between the two apps.

Good but…

When you’re listening to music and try to do quizzes it stops your music even if you mute sounds in the app. The features to practice writing could be better. Some of the flash cards don’t have the full strokes of the characters so it makes it a little hard to use that for writing practice.

I payed for it and I couldn’t do anything
shut up nickname

I payed for this app excited that I could start learning Japanese better. I was wrong. I opened the app and it said, download the app please, so basically, I payed for it, opened it, and cant do anything. So i wasted my time trying to learn Japanese by spending my money to be told "download the app please". Such a waste of my money. Don't buy unless you want to be disappointed that you cant do anything. This is such cap. ??

Very good app.

The mnemonics works for me and helps me remember the different characters ina flash. My only suggestion is that on the quiz, I hope they add the feature of reviewing the missed characters at the end of the quiz. Otherwise, the app is very helpful for beginner learners of the Japanese language. Thank you.

Perfect for the visual learner

I am a visual learner attempting to teach myself Japanese. Early on in my studies, I discovered that mastering hiragana is the foundation to learning Japanese. Being a visual learner, I constantly use mnemonics to help jog my memory. But with hiragana, I found it difficult to come up with mnemonics on my own, and I kept confusing similar-looking hiragana altogether. Most hiragana characters are unique in the sense that it’s hard to associate them with anything tangible. I was getting frustrated and my progress was stumped because of this. I then discovered Dr. Moku’s Hiragana app. This app is brilliant because it uses quirky animations to teach you the sound that each hiragana is associate with. It saves you the work of coming up with the mnemonic (which is where I was struggling), and teaches you in a way that absolutely works. Don’t get me wrong, it will still be a lot of work on your part - but this app cuts the effort considerably. I highly recommend the paid version of this app for anyone who is serious about learning Japanese.


Extremely poor mnemonics, huge stretches of the imagination that do not relate anything in a meaningful way

Cannot say enough amazing things!

Incredibly happy to hear from the developer that a new app is in the works because I love this app so much! It’s really helped make reading easy and in turn has made it easier to learn to actually speak the language. Thank you!!

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