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Does He Think I'm Sexy?

“Does He Think I'm Sexy?” is an app to use to find out whether the guy you like likes you too. We all want to know what a guy is thinking, and once you run this app, you'll know! If things change in a week or two, run the app again and see what's up. We hope the feeling is mutual, so good luck!
Category Price Seller Device
Lifestyle Free Ezvid Inc. iPhone, iPad, iPod




mimi thinks it's boring

after thirty two questions it says ask a therapist or mom!!


It's okay, and if you press I agree before results, you get them. The person below my review don't know what he or shes talking about!!!! And it says clearly in pictures it's for entertainment only!! It's not going to be real! I thought it was kinda fun answering all of the questions! Plus you get to see if a guy really does that kind of stuff!! And you don't have to pay for any of it, so you won't be wasting any money at all!!!!!! So big deal if you don't like the app!!!


Its fun to do I like it

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