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Digital Manga Publishing Store

Welcome to the Digital Manga Publishing Store app, presented by Digital Manga, Inc.!
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Book Free Digital Manga, Inc. iPhone, iPad, iPod

Showcasing a variety of ebook manga/comic titles from DMP's extensive library.

DMI is moving forward with their new app for buying and viewing the rest of their library!! So if you love DMP books download this app now! Hosting genres from mainstream, shoujo, shonen, yaoi, seinen, and American comics....take it all with you on your iPad.

About Digital Manga Publishing

Located in Gardena, CA, Digital Manga Publishing is one of the industry's most unconventional and innovative companies, specializing in building corporate and cultural bridges from Japan to the Western Hemisphere - specifically through the licensing, importation and preparation of anime (Japanese animation), manga (Japanese comic books) and related merchandise for the North American mainstream and subculture markets. In this capacity, DMI serves as a catalyst for the expansion of Japanese pop culture institutions into global arenas. The company's imprint line includes DMP: its mainstream imprint, DMP PLATINUM: its classic manga imprint, JUNE´: its boys love imprint, 801 MEDIA: its adult boys love imprint, DokiDoki: its exclusive co-publishing imprint with Shinshokan Publishing, Project-H: its Seinen Hentai manga imprint powered by 801 Media, DMG: its own digital distribution initiative, and its online storefront for digital content.


Store is empty

The store doesn't seem to load anything. It just gives me the banner on top and two ads that lead you to the official website. The store itself doesn't seem to exist in the app… : /

Looks great on iPad

The books look great, and all the swiping and zooming is intuitive. I spent way too much time going through all the previews and now I need to figure out how to delete them from the app to free up space :P Books are a couple dollars more than on eManga, but I like reading on my iPad so it's worth it.

Not sure yet

I just got this app but I already see some flaws. There don't seem to be any filters to search with - just all the titles lumped together. No genre, no author, nothing. Also there's no way to keep track of books you may have bought prior to owning the app by some other means. I see potential but right now I'm glad it was free

Needs work

Is it just me, or is there no way to alphabetize the offerings? Or indeed, to sort them in any way? I've bought three books so far, and none of them have finished downloading, so I can't read any of them, and the downloading seems to have stalled, and I can't see any way to restart it. This is on the itouch, so I'm going to try again on the ipad and see if that works out better, since they may not have gotten their itouch support up to speed yet.


I downloaded (thank God) 1 manga but the process was stalled and in the end I could not read anything! I wrote to Digital Publishing Store Support for help, but alas they're no help either. And I quote, "Thank you for your inquiry. You are experiencing a COMMON technical error caused by poor wi-fi connection. When you are downloading a book, please be sure to have a strong internet connection. Please re-try downloading again. Apple will double charge you for the item you already own", and un-quote. What's wrong with this picture? If it's such a COMMON error, the DEVELOPERS of this app should already do something about it. I'm not God, you know, I have no control of the wi-fi signal (whether to make it stong or not)! So are they telling me it's my fault that I have a poor internet connection? Download again? Charge me double? I might as well buy the real tangible manga then. If the same thing happens again, what happens then? So in other words your just eating my hard earn money for NOTHING! I'm not usually the ranting type but I feel cheated! UBER DISAPPOINTED people...UBER, UBER DISAPPOINTED!!!

Help me...

I bought the manga "Warning! Whispers of Love" and it all just looks dark...and won't let me buy it again. I really want to read it. Q.Q T.T I even turned my ipad on and off... Btw: This is my first purchase... Help... Anyone know another app where I could buy the manga from?.?


Yaoi? Really? 90% of the products are Yaoi! I'm no interested in gay literature. Way over priced, and from what I understand poorly designed so that apple may charge you multiple times. This product holds no interest for me, DELETE!

Love it!

I can already tell I'm going to be spending way too much money in this app. Hopefully DMP can add even more of their titles, although I think they've got a pretty decent selection already. The scans are good enough that I have no trouble reading them, even on something as small as my iPod touch.

Can't get Mad

This app doesn't even come close to listing all the manga and books that are available on the full website. It's like they only listed their most popular yuri manga. On top of that, there is no search option and no organized categories. This app seems incomplete. It's easier to search on the website than to use this app. I'd wait for some updates before downloading this app.

Nothing Loads

I keep trying to load the app on my iPad gen3 but nothing comes up. It does not even look like it is trying to DL data off the internet.

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